[Publications] Kraznai,Z.,T.Marian,H.Izumi,S.Damjanovich,L.Balkay,L.Tron and M.Morisawa: "Membrane hyperpolarization removes inactivation of Ca2+ channels, leading to Ca2+ influx and subsequent initiation of sperm motility in the common carp."Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA. 97. 2052-2057 (2000)
[Publications] Nishino,A.,Satou,Y.,Morisawa,M.and Satoh,N.: "Muscle actin genes and muscle cells in the appendicularian, Oikopleura longicauda : Phylogenetic relationships aming muscle tissues in the urochordates."J.Exp.Zool.. 288. 135-150 (2000)
[Publications] Nomura,M.,Inaba,K.and Morisawa,M.: "Cyclic AMP-and calmodulin-dependent phosphorylation of 21 and 26kDa proteins in axoneme is a prerequisite for SAAF-induced motility activation in ascidian spermatozoa."Develop.Growth & Differ. 42. 129-138 (2000)
[Publications] Mukai,T.,Sato,T.and Morisawa,M.: "Natural hybridization and gene flow between two Tridentiger gobies in lake hinuma (Ibaraki prefecture, Japan)"Ichtyology Res. 47. 175-181 (2000)
[Publications] Horiguchi,T. et al: "Ovo-testis and disturbed reproductive cycle in thgiant abalone, Haliotis 'madaka : possible linkage with organotin contamination in a site of population decline."Mar.Environ.Res. 50. 223-229 (2000)
[Publications] 堀口敏宏 ほか: "有機スズ汚染と腹足類のインポセックスの経年変化と現状"沿岸海洋研究. 37. 7-13 (2000)
[Publications] 土屋正史,北里洋: "形態と分子から見た有孔虫の種"日本プランクトン学会誌. 47. 66-70 (2000)
[Publications] 土屋正史,北里洋: "有孔虫における分子系統解析:底生有孔虫Glabratellidaeを例として"月刊海洋. 32. 264-269 (2000)
[Publications] Kitazato,H.,M.Tsuchiya and K.Takahara: "ecognition of breeding populations in foraminifera : an example using the genus Glabratella."Paleontological Research. 4・1. 1-15 (2000)
[Publications] Shimanaga,M.,H.Kitazato and Y.Shirayama: "Seasonal change in vertical distribution of meiofauna in relation to phytodetritus deposition in the bathyal Sagami Bay, Central Japan."Journal of Oceanography. 56. 379-387 (2000)
[Publications] Toyofuku,T.,H.Kitazato,H.Kawahata,M.Tsuchiya and M.Nohara: "Evaluation of Mg/Ca thermometry in foraminifera : Comparison of experimental results and measurements in nature."Paleoceanography. 4. 456-465 (2000)
[Publications] Tsuchiya,M.,H.Kitazato and J.Pawlowski: "Phylogenetic relationships among species of Glabratellidae (Foraminifera) inferred from ribosomal DNA sequences : Comparisons of molecular with morphological and reproductive perspectives."Microplaeontology. 46. 13-20 (2000)
[Publications] Kitazato,H.,Y.Shirayama,T.Nakatsuka,S.Fujiwara,M.Shimanaga,Y.Kato,Y.Okada,J.Kanda,A.Yamaoka,T.Masuzawa,and K.Suzuk: "Seasonal phytodetritus deposition and responses of bathyal benthic foraminiferal populations in Sagami Bay, Japan : --Preliminary results from Project Sagami."Marine Micropaleontology. 40. 135-149 (2000)
[Publications] 北里洋: "地球生命科学:地球-生命システムのダイナミクス-現在と過去-"遺伝別冊. 12. 5-16 (2000)
[Publications] Suga,H.,D.Hoshiyama,S.Kuraku,K.Katoh,K.Kubokawa and T.Miyata: "Protein tyrosin kinasecDNAs from apmphioxus, hagfish and lamprey : isoform duplications around thedivergence of cyclostomes and gnathostonmes."J.Mol.Evol. 49. 601-608 (2000)