[Publications] H.Matsunami, T.Okajima, S.Hirota, H.Yamaguchi, H.Hori, S.Kuroda, K.Tanizawa: "Chemical Rescue of a Site-specific Mutant of Bacterial Copper Amine Oxidase for Generation of the Topa Quinone Cofactor"Biochemistry. in press. (2004)
[Publications] M.Uchida, A.Ohtani, N.Kohyama, T.Okajima, K.Tanizawa, Y.Yamamoto: "Stereochemistry of 2-Phenylethylamine Oxidation Catalyzed by Bacterial Copper Amine Oxidase"Biosci.Biotechnol.Biochem.. 67. 2664-2667 (2003)
[Publications] T.Fujita, J.Ikuta, J.Hamada, T.Okajima, K.Tatematsu, K.Tanizawa, S.Kuroda: "Identification of a Tissue-non-specific Homologue of Axonal Fasciculation and Elongation Protein Zeta-1"Biochem.Biophys.Res.Commun.. 313. 738-744 (2003)
[Publications] X.Zhang, D.Carpenter, N.Bokui, C.Soo, S.Miao, T.Truong, B.Wu, I.Chen, H.Vastardis, K.Tanizawa, S.Kuroda, K.Ting: "Overexpression of Nell-1,a Craniosynostosis-Associated Gene, Induces Apoptosis in Osteoblasts During Craniofacial Development"J.Bone and Mineral Res.. 18. 2126-2134 (2003)
[Publications] 近藤昭彦, 黒田俊一, 谷澤克行, 妹尾昌治, 上田政和: "中空バイオナノ粒子によるピンポイントドラッグデリバリーシステム"化学工学. 67. 686-688 (2003)
[Publications] C.Ogino, S.Kuroda, S.Tokuyama, A.Kondo, N.Shimizu, K.Tanizawa, H.Fukuda: "Phospholipase D from Streptoverticillium cinnamoneum : Protein Engineering and Application for Phospholipid Production"J.Mol.Cat.. B23. 107-115 (2003)
[Publications] K.Kataoka, K.Tanizawa: "Alteration of Substrate Specificity of Leucine Dehydrogenase by Site-directed Mutagenesis"J.Mol.Cat.. B23. 299-309 (2003)
[Publications] D.Sun, K.Ono, T.Okajima, K.Tanizawa, M.Uchida, Y.Yamamoto, F.S.Mathews, V.L.Davidson: "Chemical and Kinetic Reaction Mechanisms of Quinohemoprotein Amine Dehydrogenase from Paracoccus denitrificans"Biochemistry. 42. 10896-10903 (2003)
[Publications] K.Aihara, S.Kuroda, N.Kanayama, S.Matsuyama, K.Tanizawa, M.Horie: "A Neuron-specific EGF family protein, NELL2, Promotes Survival of Neurons through Mitogen-activated Protein Kinases"Molecular Brain Research. 116. 86-93 (2003)
[Publications] T.Yamada, Y.Iwasaki, H.Tada, H.Iwabuki, M.K.L.Chuah, T.VandenDriessche, H.Fukuda, A.Kondo, M.Ueda, M.Seno, K.Tanizawa, S.Kuroda: "Novel Nanoparticles for the Delivery of Genes and Drugs to Human Hepatocytes"Nature Biotechnol.. 21. 885-890 (2003)
[Publications] S.Kodera, T.Okajima, H.Iwabuki, D.Kitaguchi, S.Kuroda, T.Yoshinobu, K.Tanizawa, M.Futai, H.Iwasaki: "Detection of Protein-Protein Interactions on SiO_2/Si Surfaces by Spectroscopic Ellipsometry"Anal.Biochem.. 321. 65-70 (2003)
[Publications] 谷澤克行: "新しいペプチド・ビルトイン型キノン補酵素;その構造と触媒機能および生合成機構"ビタミン. 77. 275-283 (2003)
[Publications] 岡島俊英, 谷澤克行: "ペプチド・ビルトイン型補酵素研究の新展開.酵素の多彩な触媒機能発現のための"しかけ"を探って"蛋白質核酸酵素. 48. 740-746 (2003)
[Publications] A.Satoh, O.Adachi, K.Tanizawa, K.Hirotsu: "The Active Site Structure of Quinohemoprotein Amine Dehydrogenase Inhibited by p-Nitrohenylhydrazine"Biochim.Biophys.Acta. 1647. 272-277 (2003)
[Publications] S.Kishishita, T.Okajima, M.Kim, H.Yamaguchi, S.Hirota, S.Suzuki, S.Kuroda, K.Tanizawa, M.Mure: "Role of Copper Ion in Bacterial Copper Amine Oxidase : Spectroscopic and Crystallographic Studies of Metal-substituted Enzymes"J.Am.Chem.Soc.. 125. 1041-1055 (2003)