[Publications] Y.Takeuchi, T.Yamamura: "Stability analysis of the Kaldor model with time delays : Monetary policy and government budget constraints"Nonl.Anal.Series B Real World Applications. 5・2. 277-308 (2004)
[Publications] R.Kon, Y.Saito, Y.Takeuchi: "Permanence of single-species stage-structured model"J.Math.Biol.. (To appear).
[Publications] R.Kon, Y.Takeuchi: "Permanence of 2-host,1-parasitoid systems"Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems. Series B : Applications and Algorithms. 10. 389-402 (2003)
[Publications] K.Tainaka, N.Yoshida, N.Terazawa, N.Nakagiri, Y.Takeuchi, J.Yoshimura: "The effect of mutualism on community stability and competitive interaction"J.Physics Soc.of Japan. 72・4. 956-961 (2003)
[Publications] Y.Saito, Y.Takeuchi: "Sharp conditions for globa stability of Lotka-Volterra systems with delayed intraspecific competition"Fields Institute Communications. 36. 195-211 (2003)
[Publications] W.Ma, Y.Takeuchi: "Asymptotic properties of a delayed SIR epidemic model with density dependent birth rate"Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B. 4・3. 673-680 (2004)
[Publications] M.Yamaguchi, Y.Takeuchi, W.Ma: "Population dynamics of sea bass and young sea bass"Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B. 4・3. 833-840 (2004)
[Publications] H.Du, R.Kon, Y.Saito, Y.Takeuchi: "Dynamical behavior of Lotka-Volterra competition systems : non-autonomous bistable case and the effect of telegraph noises"J.Computational and Applied Mathematics. (To appear).
[Publications] W.Ma, M.Song, Y.Takeuchi: "Global stability of an SIR epidemic model with time delay"Applied Math. Letters. (To appear).
[Publications] J.Cui, Y.Takeuchi, Z.Lin: "Permanence and Extinction for Dispersal Population Systems"J.Math.Anal.Appl.. (To appear).
[Publications] D.Hilhorst, M.Mimura, R.Schaetzle: "Vanishing latent heat limit in a Stefan-like problem arising in Biology"Nonlinear Analysis. 261-285 (2003)
[Publications] E.Feiresl, D.Hilhorst, M.Mimura, R.Weidenfeld: "On a nonlinear diffusion system with resource-consumer interaction"Hiroshima Math.J.. 33. 253-295 (2003)
[Publications] E.C.M.Crooks, E.N.Dancer, D.Hilhorst, M.Mimura, H.Ninomiya: "Spatial segregation limit of a competition-diffusion system with Dirichlet boundary conditions"in Nonlinear Anal.Series B. (To apper).
[Publications] H.Inaba, H.Sekine: "A mathematical model for Chagas disease with infection-age-dependent infectivity"Mathematical Biosciences. (To apper).
[Publications] H.Inaba: "Backward bifurcation in a HIV/AIDS epidemic model with age structure I: The case of proportionate mixing (2003) 189-196"数理解析研究所講究録. 1309. 189-196 (2003)
[Publications] H.Inaba: "Backward bifurcation in a model for vector transmission disease, In Morphogenesis and Pattern Formation in Biological Systems"T.Sekimura, S.Noji, N.Ueno, P.K.Maini (eds.), Springer. 271-279
[Publications] H.Inaba: "Backward bifurcation in a HIV/AIDS epidemic model with age structure II: The case of general transmission rate"数理解析研究所講究録. 1337. 103-111 (2003)
[Publications] 稲葉寿: "インフルエンザ流行-数理モデル"綜合臨牀. 52・10. 2700-2706 (2003)
[Publications] Y.Itoh, K.Tainaka: "Extinction process and variation in a prey-predator system"J.Phys.Soc.Japan.. (To appear).
[Publications] Y.Itoh, K.Tainaka, T.Sakata, T.Tao, N.Nakagiri: "Spatial Enhancement of Population Uncertainty near the Extinction Threshold"Ecological Modelling. (To appear).
[Publications] N.Nakagiri, K.Tainaka: "Paradoxical effect in habitat destruction"Ecological Modelling. (To appear).
[Publications] K.Tainaka: "Perturbation expansion and optimized death rate in a lattice ecosystem"Ecological Modelling. 163. 73-85 (2003)
[Publications] 佐藤 一憲: "格子確率モデルの数理と応用:複雑性を有する確率モデルの数理的研究[VI・完]-生息地破壊の格子モデル-"電子情報通信学会誌. 86. 51-53 (2003)
[Publications] S., Tohya, A.Mochizuki, Y.Iwasa: "Random cell rearrangement can form cone mosaic patterns in fish retina and explain the difference between zebrafish and medaka"J.Theor.Biology. 221. 289-300 (2003)
[Publications] Michor, F., Y.Iwasa, N.L.Komarova, M.A.Nowak.: "Local regulation of homeostasis favors chromosomal instability"Current Biology. 13. 581-584 (2003)
[Publications] Takano, R., A.Mochizuki, Y.Iwasa: "Possibility of tissue separation caused by cell adhesion"J.Theor.Biology. 221. 459-474 (2003)
[Publications] Frank, S., Y.Iwasa, M.Nowak: "Pattern of cell division and the risk of cancer"Genetics. 163. 1527-1532 (2003)
[Publications] H.Shoji, A.Mochizuki, Y.Iwasa, M.Hirata, T.Watanabe, S.Hioki, S.Kondo: "Origin of directionality in the fish stripe pattern"Developmental Dynamics. 226. 627-633 (2003)
[Publications] Shudo, E., P.Haccou, Y.Iwasa: "Optimal choice between feedforward and feedback control in gene expression to cope with unpredictable danger"J.Theor.Biology. 223. 149-160 (2003)
[Publications] Shoji, H, Y.Iwasa: "Pattern selection and the direction of stripes in two-dimensional Turing systems for skin pattern formation of fishes"Forma. 18. 3-18 (2003)
[Publications] Yokomizo, H., J.Yamashita, Y.Iwasa: "Optimal conservation effort for a population in a stochastic environment"J.Theor.Biology. 220. 215-231 (2003)
[Publications] Yokomizo, H., P.Haccou, Y.Iwasa: "Conservation effort for a population in a fluctuating environment and assessment of the population size"J.Theor.Biology. 224. 167-182 (2003)
[Publications] Nakamaru, M., Y.Iwasa, J.Nakanishi: "Extinction risk to bird populations caused by DDT exposure"Chemosphere. 53. 377-387 (2003)
[Publications] Nakanishi, J., M.Gamo, Y.Iwasa, Y.Tanaka: "Environmental Risk Evaluation of Chemicals: achievements of the project and seeds for future-Development of metrics for evaluating risks"Chemosphere. 53. 389-398 (2003)
[Publications] Shoji, H., Y.Iwasa, S.Kondo: "Stripes, Spots or Reversed Spots in Two-dimensional Turing Systems"J.Theor.Biology. 224. 339-350 (2003)
[Publications] Muko, S., Y.Iwasa: "Incomplete mixing promotes species coexistence in a lottery model with permanent spatial heterogeneity"Theoretical Population Biology. 64. 359-368 (2003)
[Publications] Michor, F.M.A.Nowak, S.A.Frank, Y.Iwasa: "Stochastic elimination of cancer cells"Proceeding of Royal Society London ser.B.. 270. 2017-2024 (2003)
[Publications] Michor F., S.A.Frank, R.M.May, Y.Iwasa, Nowak, M.A.: "Somatic selection for and against cancer"J.Theor.Biology. 225. 377-382 (2003)
[Publications] Nowak, M.A., F.Michor, Y.Iwasa: "The linear process of somatic evolution"Proc.Nat.Acad.Sci.USA. 100. 14966-14969 (2003)
[Publications] Iwasa Y., F.Michor, M.Nowak: "Evolutionary dynamics of escape from biomedical intervention"Proceeding of Royal Society London, ser B.. 270. 2573-2578 (2003)
[Publications] Hakoyama, H., Y.Iwasa: "Coexistence of a sexual and a unisexual forms by parasites"Journal of Theoretical Biology. 226. 185-194 (2004)
[Publications] Iwasa, Y., F.Michor, M.Nowak: "Evolutionary dynamics of invasion and escape"Journal of Theoretical Biology. 226. 205-214 (2004)
[Publications] Satake, A., Y.Iwasa, H.Hakoyama, S.P.Hubbell: "Estimating local interaction from spatio-temporal forest data, and Mon te Carlo Bias Correction"Journal of Theoretical Biology. 226. 225-235 (2004)
[Publications] Irie, T., Y.Iwasa: "Optimal growth model for the latitudinal cline of shell morphology in cowries (genus Cypraea)"Evolutionary Ecology Research. 5. 1133-1149 (2004)
[Publications] Michor, F., Y.Iwasa, M.A.Nowak: "Dynamics of cancer progression"Nature Review Cancer. 4. 197-205 (2004)
[Publications] Iwasa, Y., A.Satake: "Mechanisms inducing spatially extended synchrony in mast seeding : the role of pollen coupling and environmental fluctuation"Ecological Research. 19・1. 13-20 (2004)
[Publications] Michor, F., Y.Iwasa, H.Rajagopalan, C.Lengauer, M.A.Nowak: "A linear model of colon cancer initiation"Cell Cycle. 3. 358-362 (2004)
[Publications] Shudo, E., Y.Iwasa: "Dynamic optimization of defense, immune memory, and pathogens remaining in the host body"Journal of Theoretical Biology. (To appear).
[Publications] Iwasa, Y., F.Michor, M.A.Nowak: "Stochastic tunnels in evolutionary dynamics"Genetics. (To appear).
[Publications] T.Furumochi, S.Murakami, Y.Nagabuchi: "Stabilities in Volterra difference equations on a Banach space"Fields Institute Communications. (To appear).
[Publications] T.Furumochi, S.Murakami, Y.Nagabuchi: "A generalization of Wiener's lemma and its application to Volterra dif ference equations on a Banach space"Journal of Difference Equations and Applications. (To appear).
[Publications] T.Furumochi: "Asymptotic behavior of solutions of some functional differential equations by Schauder's theorem"E.J.Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations. (To appear).
[Publications] T.A.Burton, T.Furumochi: "Asymptotic behavior of nonlinear functional differential equations by Schauder's theorem"Nonlinear Studies. (To appear).
[Publications] 福谷郁子, 重定南奈子, 高須夫悟: "リンデンマイヤー・システムとしての植物根系の形態"生物の形の多様性と進化-遺伝子から生態系まで-(関村・野馳,森田編),裳華房. 152-161 (2003)
[Publications] Noriko Kinezaki, Kohkichi Kawasaki, Fugo Takasu, Nanako Shigesada: "Modeling Biological Invasions into Periodically Fragmented Environments"Theoretical Population Biology. 64. 291-302 (2003)
[Publications] Nanako Shigesada, Noriko Kinezaki, Kohkichi Kawasaki, Fugo Takasu: "Biological Invasion into Periodically Fragmented Environments : Diffusion-Reaction Model"Morphogenesis and Pattern Formation in Biological Systems : Experiments and Models, Springer-Verlag Tokyo. 215-222 (2003)
[Publications] Kyoko Ohsawa, Kohkichi Kawasaki, Fugo Takasu, Nanako Shigesada: "How does spatio-temporal disturbance influence species diversity in a hierarchical competitive system? Prospective order of species coexistence and extinction"Population Ecology. 45. 239-247 (2003)
[Publications] M.Nakamaru, M.Kawata: "Evolution of rumors that discriminate lying defectors"Evolutionary Ecology Research. 6. 261-283 (2004)
[Publications] M.Nakamaru, A.Sasaki: "Can transitive inference evolve in animals playing hawk-dove game?"Journal of Theoretical Biology. 222. 461-470 (2003)
[Publications] T.Kajiwara, T.Sasaki: "Stability of pathogen-immune interaction"Discrete and Continuous Dynamical System Ser. B. (To appear).
[Publications] Namba, T., Chon, T.-S.: "Mathematical view of community and ecosystem processes""Ecological Issues in a Changing World : Status, Response and Strategy", Kluwer Academic. (To appear).
[Publications] 竹内康博(監訳): "微生物の力学系---ケモスタット理論を通して"日本評論社. 350 (2004)