[Publications] H.Kamisaka, W.Bian, K.Nobusada, H.Nakamura: "Accurate Quantum Dynamics of Electronically Nonadiabatic Chemical Reactions in the DH2+ System"J.Chem.Phys.. 116. 654-665 (2002)
[Publications] G.V.Mil'nikov, H.Nakamura: "Regularization of Scattering Calculations at R-Matrix poles"J.Phys.B.Atom, Molec & Opt.Phys.. 34. L791-L794 (2001)
[Publications] C.Zhu, H.Kamisaka, H.Nakamura: "New Implementation of the Trajectory Surface Hopping Method with Use of the Zhu-Nakamura Theory II. Application to the Charge Transfer Processes in the 3D DH2+ System"J.Chem.Phys.. 116. 3234-3247 (2002)
[Publications] P.Kolorenc, M.Cizek, J.Horacek, G.V.Mil'nikov, H.Nakamura: "Study of Dissociative Electron Attachment to HI Molecule by Using R-matrix Representation for Green's Function"Physica Scripta. 65. 328-335 (2002)
[Publications] K.Nagaya, Y.Teranishi, H.Nakamura: "Control of Molecular Processes by a Sequence of Linearly Chirped Pulses"J.Chem.Phys.. 117. 9588-9604 (2002)
[Publications] G.V.Mil'nikov, H.Nakamura: "Practical Implementation of the Instanton Theory, □. Decay of Metastable State Through Tunneling."J.Chem.Phys.. 117. 10081-10087 (2002)
[Publications] H.Fujisaki, Y.Teranishi, H.nakamura: "Control of Photodissociation Branching Using the Complete Reflection Phenomenon : Application to HI Molecule"J.Theor & Comp.Chem.. 1. 245-253 (2002)
[Publications] S.Nanbu, M.Aoyama, H.Nakamura, W.Bian, K.Tanaka: "Chemical Reactions in the O(^1D)+HCl System, I.Ab intio Global Potential Energy Surfaces for the 1^1A',2^1A',and 1^1A"States"J.Theor & Comp.Chem.. 1. 263-273 (2002)
[Publications] H.Kamisaka, H.Nakamura, S.Nanbu, M.Aoyagi, W.Bian, K.Tanaka: "Chemical Reactions in the O(^1D)+HCl System, □.Dynamics on the Ground 11A7 State and Contribution of the Excited (11A" and 21A') states"J.Theor & Comp.Chem.. 1. 275-284 (2002)
[Publications] H.Kamisaka, H.Nakamura, S.Nanbu, M.Aoyagi, K.Tanaka: "Chemical Reaction in the O(^1D)+HCl System, III.Quantum Dynamics on the Excited (11A" and 21A') states, Potential Energy Surfaces"J.Theor & Comp.Chem.. 1. 285-293 (2002)
[Publications] A, Kondorskiy, H.Nakamura: "Photodissociation of H2+ and HD+ in an Intense Laser Field"Phys Rev.. A66. 053412 (2002)
[Publications] G.V.Mil'nikov, H.Nakamura: "Calculation of Resonances in the Dtmu molecule by the R-Matrix Method"Phys Rev.. A67. 034501-1-034501-4 (2003)
[Publications] G.V.Mil'nikov, H.Nakamura: "Calculation of Resonances in a dtmu molecule by the R-Matrix Method"Phys.Rev.. A67. 034501-1-034501-4 (2003)
[Publications] G.V.Mil'nikov, K.Yagi, T.Taketsugu, H.Nakamura, K.Hirao: "Tunneling Splitting in Polyatomic Molecules : Application to Malonaldehyde"J.Chem.Phys.. 119. 10-13 (2003)
[Publications] H.Nakamura, E A Solov'ev: "Semiclassical theory for the quantum defect function of diatomic molecules"J.Phys.. B36. 3697-3705 (2003)
[Publications] H.Nakamura: "Analytic Solution to wave packet dynamics in a laser field : the case of linear chirp"Chem.Phys.. 295. 269-273 (2003)
[Publications] V.I.Osherov, V.G.Ushakov, H.Nakamura: "Semiclassical Theory of Nonadiabatic Transitions Between Asymptotically Degenerate States"Russ.Chem.Phys.. 22. 87-102 (2003)
[Publications] V.I.Osherov, V.G.Ushakov, H.Nakamura: "Analytical Treatment of S-P Type Collisional Resonant Excitation Transfer"Russ.Chem.Phys.. 22. 103-108 (2003)
[Publications] P.Oloyede, G.V.Mil'nikov, H.Nakamura: "On The Determination Of Caustics"J.Theo.Comp.Chem.. Vol.3,No1. 1-9 (2004)
[Publications] G.V.Mil'nikov, K.Yagi, T.Taketsugu, H.Nakamura, K.Hirao: "Simple and accurate method to evaluate tunneling splitting in polyatomic molecules"J.Chem.Phys.. in press.
[Publications] A.Kondorskiy, H.Nakamura: "Semiclassical Theory of Electronically Nonadiabatic Chemical Dynamics : Incorporation of the Zhu-Nakamura Theory into the Frozen Gaussian Propagation Method"J.Chem.Phys.. in press. (2004)
[Publications] Y.Teranishi, K.Nagaya, H.Nakamura: "New Way of Controlling Molecular Processes by Lasers, in "Quantum Control of Molecular Reaction Dynamics", edited by R.J.Gordon and Y.Fujimura"World Scientific. 215-227 (2001)
[Publications] K.nagaya, Y.Teranishi, H.Nakamura: "Selective Excitation Among Closely Lying Multi-Levels in "Laser Control and Manipulation of Molecules", edited by A.Bandrauk, R.J.Gordon, and Y.Fujimura"Amer.Chem.Soc.. 98-117 (2002)