Research Abstract |
Im present work, we aimed the estimation of the crystal quality via the detection of the phonon scattering by the defect and so on by using our developed phonon-polariton imaging technique. We have performed the imaging experiment for the LiTaO_3. The phonon generation and monitoring of the propagating polariton wavepackets have been imaged. Illuminating the delayed pulse into the crystal in order to probe the generated phonon-polariton wavepackets, we could construct the image of the wavepackets at the real time within the temporal resolution of the used pulse. The phonon polariotn is really the modulation of the refractive indices and therefore the phase object. Although it is impossible usually to detect the phase of the scattered light since our detection ability is sensitive only to the intensity of the light, the conversion from the phase information to the intensity information can be achieved by using Talbot effect. We have succeeded to capture the interference of the phonon polariotn wavepackets at the real time via the special arrangement. Also we could control the amplitude of the propagating phonon polariton wavepacket within some extent. The obtained results can contribute greatly to the phonon spectroscopy and indicated the new direction of the research. By using the similar four-wave mixing technique, we could estimate the sample quality of the bulk GaN, which is the promising material for the laser diode and so on, via the phonon scattering and exciton-exciton interaction, and found the heterobiexciton. The hetero biexciton consists of the heavy-hole and light-hole excitons and we found the heterobiexciton in GaN for the first time.