[Publications] M.Nakao, et al.: "Period and phase adjustments of human circadian rhythms in the real world"J.Biol.Rhythms. 18・3. 261-270 (2003)
[Publications] M.Nakao: "Modeling feedbacks from behavior to pacemakers in non-photic entrainment of human circadian system"K.Honma and S.Honma eds, "Circadian Clock as Multi-oscillation System.Hokkaido University Press, Sapporo. 219-231 (2003)
[Publications] M.Yamamoto, et al.: "State-dependent alternation of neuronal slow dynamics in the rat ventroposteriort thalamic area"Sleep and Biological Rhythms. 1・2. 101-103 (2003)
[Publications] M.Nakao, N.Katayama, M.Yamamoto, et al.: "A facial topographic profile of rapid eys movements anticipatory phasic potentials"Sleep and Biological Rhythms. 1・2. 151-152 (2003)
[Publications] M.Nakao, N.Katayama, M.Yamamoto, et al.: "Changes in the dynamics of sleep electroencephalogram in rat barrel cortex associated with long-term sensory deprivation"Sleep and Biological Rhythms. 1・2. 155-157 (2003)
[Publications] M.Nakao, N.Katayama, M.Yamamoto, et al.: "A real-time rapid eye movement sleep analyzer equipped with a portable wide-band polygraphic recorder"Sleep and Biological Rhythms. 1・2. 175-177 (2003)
[Publications] M.Yamamoto, et al.: "Is state-dependent alternation of slow dynamics in central single neurons during sleep present in the rat ventroposterior thalamic nucleus?"Neuroscience Research. (in press).
[Publications] M.Nakao, N.Katayama, M.Yamamoto, et al.: "Characterization of baroreflex response under head-up tilting"Proc.25^<th> Ann Int'l Conf IEEE EMBS. 256-259 (2003)
[Publications] M.Nakao, N.Katayama, M.Yamamoto, et al.: "Temporal relationship between hippocampal theta wave and spontaneous and elicited PGO-like wave during REM sleep in rats"Neuroscience Research. 46・Suppl 1. S107 (2003)
[Publications] M.Nakao, N.Katayama, M.Yamamoto, et al.: "Fluctuational dynamics of a neural network model consisting of Hodgkin-Huxley type neurons driven by noise"Neuroscience Research. 46・Suppl 1. S166 (2003)
[Publications] M.Nakao, N.Katayama, M.Yamamoto, et al.: "Potine phasic activity is phase-locked to hippocampal theta wave during REM sleep in rats"Proc.17^<th> Ann.Meeting Ass.Prof.Sleep Soc.. 3 (2003)
[Publications] M.Yamamoto, et al.: "Do the processor neurons in the rat brain show the 1/f noise like dynamics during Paradoxical sleep"Proc.17^<th> Ann.Meeting Ass.Prof.Sleep Soc.. 28 (2003)
[Publications] M.Nakao, N.Katayama, M.Yamamoto, et al.: "Non-monotonic changes of sleep EEG dynamics in rat barrel cortex associated with long-term sensory deprivation"Proc.17^<th> Ann.Meeting Ass.Prof.Sleep Soc.. 30 (2003)
[Publications] M.Nakao, N.Katayama, M.Yamamoto, et al.: "Formal similarity between the two process model and a coupled oscillator model"Proc.17^<th> Ann.Meeting Ass.Prof.Sleep Soc.. 98-99 (2003)
[Publications] M.Nakao, N.Katayama, M.Yamamoto, et al.: "Modeling of interactions between photic and non-photic entrainment mechanisms in time zone fights"Abstracts 1^<st> World Congress Chronobiology. E2-2 (2003)
[Publications] M.Nakao, N.Katayama, M.Yamamoto, et al.: "Stability of rhythm trajectory generated by feedback loop models"Abstracts 1^<st> World Congress Chronobiology. E2-1 (2003)
[Publications] 中尾, 片山, 山本他: "逆説睡眠時に観測されるラットP波頻度と海馬θ波周波数との時間関係"日本睡眠学会第28回定期学術集会抄録集. 2B1-2B3 (2003)
[Publications] 中尾, 片山, 山本他: "分子時計機構のダイナミクス"日本睡眠学会第28回定期学術集会抄録集. 1P2-1P12 (2003)
[Publications] 中尾, 片山, 山本他: "感覚遮断によるバレル野脳波の統計的性質の長期的変化"日本睡眠学会第28回定期学術集会抄録集. 2P6 (2003)
[Publications] 中尾, 片山, 山本他: "睡眠時及び覚醒時の眼球運動に先行するスパイク電位の眼球運動依存性"日本睡眠学会第28回定期学術集会抄録集. 2P6-2P18 (2003)
[Publications] 中尾: "ヒト日周リズム位相振動子モデル-階層をたどる枠組み-"第42回日本エム・イー学会大会論文集. 161 (2003)
[Publications] 中尾, 片山, 山本他: "ブラインド信号分離を点時系列に使ってみる"第17回日本エム・イー学会秋季大会論文集. 71 (2003)
[Publications] 中尾, 片山, 山本他: "ラットの感覚毛除去によるバレル野の睡眠時脳波ダイナミクスの変化"電子情報通信学会技術研究報告MEとバイオサイバネテックス研究会. MBE2003-11 (2003)
[Publications] 中尾, 片山, 山本他: "生体リズムの分子機構モデル"電子情報通信学会技術研究報告MEとバイオサイバネテックス研究会. MBE2003-10 (2003)
[Publications] M.Nakao, M.Yamamoto, et al.: "Modeling techniques of point processes and application in processing biomedical data"T.Leondes ed."Computational Methods in Biophysics, Biomaterials, Biotechnology and Medical Systems Vol.1", Kluwer Academic Publishers. 263-326 (2003)