Research Abstract |
Histochemical localization of various kinds of glycolipids was investigated with the use of confocal laser scanning microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Rat various organs prefixed with 4% formaldehyde and 1% glutaraldehyde were cut into nonfrozen slices (40μm thick) and treated with monoclonal antibodies against glycolipids (anti-GM1, GD2, GD3, GT1b, GQ1b, Gb3 etc.) followed by treatment with Cy3-labeled socondary antibody for light microscopy or peroxidase-labeled socondary antibody for electron microscopy. Some of the specimens from neuronal organs were also stained with specific antibodies against neurotransmitters (GABA, glutamate etc.) by Cy5 labeling method. In cerebellar cortex, each ganglioside revealed specific distribution pattern, e.g. anti-GQ1b antibody was positive for the plasma membrane of Purkinje cell body and its dendrites, Golgi cisternae, part of the nerve endings around the Purkinje cell body. These areas especially the nerve endings around the Purkinje cell body were also positive for anti-GABA antibody. In small intestine, Auerbach's plexus and outer muscular layer were specifically stained for some ganglioside antibodies e.g. GM1, GD2. Basolateral plasma membrane of intestinal gland epithelial cells were specifically stained for anti-Gb3. Specific distribution of glycolipids in various organs seem to have some specific relationships with neuronal functions and other cellular functions.