[Publications] Inoue-T, Yaoita-E, Kurihara-H, Shimizu-F, Sakai-T, Kobayashi-T, Ohshiro-K, Kawachi-H, Okada-H, Suzuki-H, Kihara-I, Yamamoto-T: "FAT is a component of glomerular slit diaphragms"Kidney-Int. 59. 1003-1012 (2001)
[Publications] Kobayashi-N, Reiser-J, Schwarz-K, Sakai-T, Kriz-W, Mundel-P: "Process formation of podocytes : morphogenetic activity of microtubules and regulation by protein serine/threonine phosphatase PP2A"Histochem-Cell-Biol.. 115. 255-266 (2001)
[Publications] Ichimura-K, Koizumi-K, Kudoh-H, Miyaki-T, Sakai-T: "A novel branching pattern of the superior mesentric artery found in the bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana), amphibian"J-Anat.. 198. 625-633 (2001)
[Publications] Yaoita-E, Kurihara-H, Sakai-T, Ohshiro-K, Yamamoto-T: "Phenotypic modulation of parietal epithelial cells of Bowman's capsule in culture"Cell-Tiss-Res. 304. 339-349 (2001)
[Publications] Inokuchi-S, Kimura-K, Sugaya-T, Inokuchi-K, Murakami-K, Sakai-T: "Hypertensic vascular smooth muscle cells of the intrarenal arteries in angiotensin II type 1a receptor null mutant mice"Kidney-Int.. 60. 722-731 (2001)
[Publications] Tojo-A, Onozato-ML, Ha-H, Kurihara-H, Sakai-T, Goto-A, Fujita-T, Endou-H: "Reduced albumin reabsorption in proximal tubule of early stage diabetic rat"Histochem-Cell-Biol.. 116. 269-276 (2001)
[Publications] Ozaki-Kuroda-K, Nakanishi-H, Ohta-H, Tanaka-H, Kurihara-H, Mueller-S, Irie-K, Ikeda-W, Sakai-T, Wimmer-E, Nishimura-Y, Takai-Y: "Nectin couples cell-cell adhesion and the actin scaffold at heterotypic testicular junctions"Curr-Biol.. 12. 1145-1150 (2002)
[Publications] Hirose-T, Izumi-Y, Nagashima-Y, Tamai-Nagai-Y, Kurihara-H, Sakai-T, Suzuki-Y, Yamanaka-T, Suzuki-A, Mizuno-K, Ohno-S: "Involvement of ASIP/PAR-3 in the promotion of epithelial tight junction formation"J-Cell-Sci.. 115. 2485-2495 (2002)
[Publications] Hosoyamada-Y, Kurihara-H, Kudoh-H, Ichimura-K, Sakai-T: "Fibroblasts and antigen-presenting cells in the renal interstitium of the streptozotocin induced diabetic rats with high cholesterol diet"Arch-Histol-Jpn.. 65. 307-315 (2002)
[Publications] Kawachi-H, Koike-H, Kurihara-H, Sakai-T, Shimizu-F: "Cloning of rat homologue of podocin expression in proteinuric states and in developing glomeruli"J-Am-Soc-Nephrol. 13. 46-56 (2003)
[Publications] Notoya-M, Shinosaki-T, Kobayashi-T, Sakai-T, Kurihara-H: "Intussusceptive capillary growth in required for glomerular repair in rat Thy 1.1 nephritis"Kidney-Int. 63(In press). (2003)
[Publications] Usui-J, Kurihara-H, Shu-Y, Tomari-S, Kanemoto-K, Koyama-A, Sakai-T, Takahashi-T, Nagata-M: "Migration of intercellular adherens junction protein p120 catenin during podocyte differentiation"Anat-Embryol. 206(In press). (2003)
[Publications] Asai-T, Kuwahara-M, Kurihara-H, Sakai-T, Terada-Y, Marumo-F, Sasaki-S: "Pathogenesis of nephrogenic diabetes inspitus by aquaporin-2 c-terminus mutations"Kidney-Int.. 63(In press). (2003)
[Publications] 宮木孝昌, 坂井建雄: "スンクス肺の気管枝と血管分布"形態科学. 4. 29-34 (2001)
[Publications] 宮木孝昌, 坂井建雄: "ナキウサギ、メキシコウサギ、およびカイウサギの肝臓の血管分布"形態科学. 5. 13-39 (2001)
[Publications] 坂井建雄: "リチャードオーウェンの比較解剖学"科学医学資料研究. 29. 15-26 (2001)
[Publications] 栗原秀剛, 坂井建雄: "蛋白尿出現のメカニズム-上皮細胞・スリット膜の重要性"小児内科. 33. 459-464 (2001)
[Publications] 宮木孝昌, 坂井建雄: "左門脈の形態と意義"解剖学雑誌. 76. 281-291 (2001)
[Publications] 坂井建雄: "初心者のための腎臓の構造"日本腎臓学会誌. 43. 572-579 (2001)
[Publications] 能登谷満, 市村浩一郎, 坂井建雄: "発生における血管新生"腎と透析. 51. 579-583 (2001)
[Publications] 坂井建雄: "人体(人体と細胞、循環器系、消化器系、脳・神経系、人体と社会)"情報・知識 imidas. 2002. 738-745 (2001)
[Publications] 坂井建雄: "アリストテレスとガレノス.腎臓・尿管・膀胱の働きを見いだした古代の学者たち"腎臓. 24. 29-34 (2001)
[Publications] 坂井建雄: "ヴェサリウスに始まる肉眼解剖の時代"腎臓. 24. 95-102 (2001)
[Publications] 宮木孝昌, 坂井建雄: "ツキノワグマの肝臓の血管分布"形態科学. 6. 1-8 (2002)
[Publications] 河合祥雄, 章晴明, 五十嵐弘一, 小泉憲司, 坂井建雄: "心房細動の病理"Therapeutic Research. 23. 61-72 (2002)
[Publications] 坂井建雄: "血液6000キロの旅の始まり"科学医学資料研究. 30. 68-80 (2002)
[Publications] 市村浩一郎, 栗原秀剛, 坂井建雄: "糸球体内皮細胞の構造ならびに機能上の特性"腎と透析. 53. 549-554 (2002)
[Publications] 坂井建雄: "人体(人体の頭、脳・神経系、循環器系、消化器系、人体と性、人体と社会)"情報・知識 imidas. 2003. 715-722 (2002)
[Publications] 坂井建雄: "マルピギーの腎臓研究"腎臓. 24. 161-157 (2002)
[Publications] 坂井建雄: "マルピギーからボーマンまで"腎臓. 25. 37-43 (2002)
[Publications] 日野原重明, 阿部正和, 浅見一羊, 関泰, 坂井建雄, 熊田衛: "系統看護学講座 専門基礎1, 人体の構造と機能[1]解剖生理学"医学書院. 608 (2001)
[Publications] チャールズ・D・オマリー(著), 坂井建雄(訳): "ブリュッセルのアンドレアス・ヴェサリウス 1514-1564"エルゼビア・サイエンス(株)ミクス. 637+77 (2001)
[Publications] 坂井建雄: "血液6000キロの旅-ワンダーランドとしての人体"講談社. 252 (2001)
[Publications] 坂井建雄, 河原克雅(総編集), 泉井亮, 金田研司(著): "カラー図解 人体の正常構造と機能 IV 肝・胆・膵"日本医事新報社. 70 (2001)
[Publications] PetraKopf Maier(著), 坂井建雄(訳): "ヴォルフ-ハイデッガー人体解剖カラーアトラス 全2巻"MEDSI. 362+492 (2002)
[Publications] 坂井建雄, 新井平伊(監修), 西村博子(絵): "すばらしいいのち 全3巻"河出書房新社. 64+64+64 (2002)
[Publications] 坂井建雄, 河原克雅(総編集), 牛木辰男, 小林弘祐(著): "カラー図解 人体の正常構造と機能I呼吸器"日本医事新報社. 86 (2002)
[Publications] 坂井建雄, 河原克雅(総編集), 山本一彦, 松村讓兒, 多久和陽(著): "カラー図解 人体の正常構造と機能VII血液・免疫・内分泌"日本医事新報社. 94 (2002)
[Publications] 坂井建雄(監修): "イラストでみる人体 脳の機能を助ける感覚器と運動器"教育社(所収:『Newton別冊 改訂版 病気がわかる本--健康な暮らしのための基礎知識』). 8-19 (2002)
[Publications] 坂井建雄: "腎間質細胞の形態と機能"中外医薬社(所収: 伊藤克己; 浅野泰;遠藤仁; 御手洗哲也; 東原英二(編)『Annual Review 腎臓 2002』). 80-84 (2003)