[Publications] Fotheringham S., Nakaya T., Yano K., Openshaw S., Ishikawa Y.: "Hierarchical destination choice and spatial interaction modeling a simulation exeriment"Environment and Planning A. 33. 901-920 (2001)
[Publications] Fujita Masahisa, Tomoya Mori: "Transport development and the evolution of economic geography"Complex system as infrastructure. (2002)
[Publications] Ishikawa Y.: "Migration turnarounds and schedule changes in Japan, Sweden and Canada"Review of Urban and Regional Development Studies. 13, No.1. 20-33 (2001)
[Publications] Kazuyuki Konagaya: "Generalised Thunen Model and Generalised Thunen-Ricardo Model for Asian land Use"Modeling Geographical Systems. (2002)
[Publications] Jooil LEE, Ybshitaka AOYAMA, Dai NAKAGAWA, Ryoji MATSUNAKA: "A Comparative Study on the Excess Commuting between Seoul and Tokyo Metropolitan Area"Proceedings of International Symposium on URBAN PLANNING. 162-178 (2001)
[Publications] Ryoji Matslmaka, Yoshitaka Aoyama, Dai Nakagawa: "An optimization of the construction/improvement process of the urban road network using a Genetic Algorithm"7th international conference on Computers in Urban Planning and Urban Management. (CD-ROM). (2001)
[Publications] Mori T., Nishikimi K.: "Economies of transport density and industrial agglomeration"Regional Science and Urban Economics. 37. 167-200 (2002)
[Publications] Se-il Mun, Komei Sasaki: "The Economic System of Small-to-Medium Sized Regions in Japan"Theories of Endogenous Regional Growth. 209-230 (2001)
[Publications] Ottaviano G., T.Tabuchi, J.-F.Thisse: "Agglomeration and trade revisited"International Economic Review. (2002)
[Publications] Portnov B.A., Kim D.-C., Ishikawa Y.: "Investigating the effects of employment-housing change on migration ; evidence from Japan"International Journal of Population Geography. 7. 189-212 (2001)
[Publications] Tabuchi T., J.-F.Thisse: "Taste heterogeneity, labor mobility and economic geography"Journal Development Economics. (2002)
[Publications] Tabuchi T.: "On Interregional Price Differentials"Japanese Economic Review. 52. 104-115 (2001)
[Publications] M.Fujita, D.Hu: "Regional Disparity in China 1985-1994 Effects of Globalizaiton and Economic Liberalization"Annals of Regional Science. 35. 3-37 (2001)
[Publications] M.Fujita, N.Hamaguchi: "Intermediate Goods and the Spatial Structure of an Economy"Regional Science & Urban Economics. 31. 79-109 (2001)
[Publications] M.Fujita, T.Arita: "Local Agglomeration and Global Networks of the Semiconductor Industry A Comparative study of U.S.and Japanese Firms"Regional Development Studies. 13, No.2. 85-109 (2001)
[Publications] M.Fujita, J.Thisse: "Agglomeration et Marche"Cahiers d'Economie et Sociologie Rurales. 58-59. 11-57 (2001)
[Publications] 石川義孝: "人口地理学とGIS"高阪宏行・村山祐司編 『GIS-地理学の貢献-』古今書院. 142-158 (2001)
[Publications] 石川義孝: "<書評>神頭広好:「駅の空間経済分析-3大都市圏の主要鉄道を対象として-」"応用地域学研究. 6. 123-124 (2001)
[Publications] 小長谷一之: "大都市圏立地構造の再編と21世紀京阪神都市圏の将来像"大都市圏再編への構想(東京大学出版会). (2002)
[Publications] 小長谷一之: "大阪の大規模複合再開発"地域開発. 1号. 30-36 (2001)
[Publications] 小長谷一之: "新産業振興と大阪の可能性"市政研究. 131号. 17-25 (2001)
[Publications] 小長谷一之: "大阪におけるIT産業の集積"産業立地. 6号. 23-30 (2001)
[Publications] 高橋孝明: "インフラストラクチャー投資における地域政府間競争"伊藤幹夫・大平哲編著『マクロ経済学の方法・理論と実証、政策』、御茶ノ水書房. (2002)
[Publications] 小長谷一之: "都市再生とソフト系IT産業-アメリカ・東京・大阪"都市研究. 1号. 13-36 (2001)
[Publications] 文 世一: "交通渋滞の動的分析"山田浩之編、『交通混雑の経済分析』、勁草書房. 176-198 (2001)
[Publications] 中川大, 松中亮治, 芦澤宗治, 青山吉隆: "都市内交通シミュレーションを用いたパッケージ施策の便益計測に関する研究"都市計画論文集. Vol.36. 583-588 (2001)
[Publications] 野村友哉, 青山吉隆, 中川大, 松中亮治, 白柳博章: "EVGCを用いた都市間高速鉄道プロジェクトの便益評価に関する研究"土木計画学研究・論文集. No.18. 627-636 (2001)
[Publications] 石川義孝: "大都市圏への人口移動"富田和暁・藤井正編:『図説大都市圏』、古今書院. (2001)
[Publications] 石川義孝編: "京都大学学術出版会"人口移動転換の研究. 305 (2001)