[Publications] Masahisa Fujita, Paul Krugman: "The new economic geography : Past, present and the future"Papers in Regional Science. Vol.83・No.1. 139-164 (2004)
[Publications] Masahisa Fujita, Tomoya Mori: "Transport Development and the Evolution of Economic Geography"Complex System as Infrastructure. (近刊).
[Publications] Marcus Berliant, Masahisa Fujita: "Knowledge Creation as a Square Dance on the Hilbert Cube"京都大学経済研究所ディスカッションペーパー. No.580. 1-65 (2004)
[Publications] Masahisa Fujita, Jacques Thisse: "Does Geographical Agglomeration Foster Growth? And Who Gains and Loses from It?"The Japanese Economic Review. Vol.54・No.2. 302-338 (2003)
[Publications] Masahisa Fujita, Shlomo Weber: "Strategic Immigration Policies Welfare in Heterogeneous Countries"京都大学経済研究所ディスカッションペーパー. No.569. (2003)
[Publications] Fielding, A.J., Ishikawa, Y: "Migration and the life course in contemporary Japan"Geographical Review of Japan. Vol.76・No.12. 246-257 (2003)
[Publications] Yano, K., T.Nakaya, A.S.Fotheringham, S.Openshaw, Ishikawa, Y: "A comparison of migration behaviour in Japan and Britain using spatial interaction models"International Journal of Population Geography. Vol.9・No.5. 419-431 (2003)
[Publications] 石川義孝: "日本の国際人口移動の転換期"応用地域学研究. Vol.8・No.2. 1-13 (2003)
[Publications] 石川義孝: "わが国農村部における男子人口の結婚難"農村空間の研究(下)(石原潤編). 289-305 (2003)
[Publications] 菊地渉, 青山吉隆, 中川大, 松中亮治: "学習過程を考慮したデルファイ型CVMの意義と課題に関する研究"土木学会論文集. No.751・IV-62. 71-82 (2004)
[Publications] 中川大, 北村隆一, 塚口博司, 宗田好史, 酒井弘: "都心循環バスの利用者増加要因としての市民行動と意識変化-京都100円循環バスの社会実験と市民応援団活動の記録から-"土木学会論文集. No.737・IV-60. 79-87 (2003)
[Publications] 中川大: "市民の手によるペネトレーション-京都・醍醐方式コミュニティバス-"交通工学. Vol.38・No.1. 38-42 (2003)
[Publications] 近成純, 青山吉隆, 中川大, 松中亮治: "京阪神都市圏におけるモビリティ水準と交通エネルギー消費の変化に関する研究"都市計画. 38・3. 547-553 (2003)
[Publications] Jongjin Yoon, Yoshitaka Aoyama, Dai Nakagawa, Ryoji Matsunaka: "AN EVALUATION OF URBAN AND TRANSPORT POLICY USING A LAND-USE/TRANSPORT INTERACTION MODEL"Selected Proceedings from the 9th World Conference on Transport Research. Vol.9. 22-27 (2003)
[Publications] 藤澤友晴, 青山吉隆, 中川大, 松中亮治: "中心市街地における歩行空間整備の便益計測"土木計画学研究・論文集. 20. 191-197 (2003)
[Publications] 松中亮治, 柚木俊郎, 青山吉隆, 中川大: "わが国における高速道路ネットワークの段階的整備プロセスの事後評価"土木計画学研究・論文集. 20. 33-42 (2003)
[Publications] Kazunori Akutagawa, Se-il Mun: "Private goods provided by local governments"Regional Science and Urban Economics. (近刊).
[Publications] Se-il Mun, Koji Konishi, Kazuhiro Yoshikawa: "Optimal cordon pricing"Journal of Urban Economics. Vol.54. 21-38 (2003)
[Publications] Mori, T., Turrini, A.: "Skills, agglomeration, and segmentation"European Economic Review. (近刊).
[Publications] Fujita, M., Henderson, J.V., Kanemoto, Y., Mori, T.: "Spatial distribution of economic activities in Japan and China"Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics. Vol.4(近刊).
[Publications] Mori, T., Nishikimi, K., Smith, T.E.: "Some empirical regularities of spatial economy : a relationship between industrial location and city size"京都大学経済研究所ディスカッションペーパー. No.551. (2003)
[Publications] Kuroda, T: "Tax-Price Competition for Internationalized Public Goods"DEE Discussion Paper, Nagoya University. No.03-4. 1-22 (2003)
[Publications] T.Tabuchi, D.-Z.Zeng: "Stability of spatial equilibrium"Journal of Regional Science. Vol.44(近刊).
[Publications] Picard P.M., T.Tabuchi: "Natural agglomeration"CORE Discussion Paper, Universite catholique de Louvain. No.2003-101. (2003)
[Publications] Ago, T., I.Isono, T.Tabuchi: "Locational disadvantage and losses from trade : Three regions in economic geography"CIRJE Discussion Paper, University of Tokyo. No.F-224. (2003)
[Publications] Tabuchi T., J.-F.Thisse: "Regional specialization, urban hierarchy, and commuting costs"CORE Discussion Paper, Universite catholique de Louvain. No.2003-60. (2003)
[Publications] 小長谷一之: "大学改革-大阪市立大学"科学. 74・4. (2004)
[Publications] 小長谷一之: "空間計量経済学(Spatial Econometrics)における固有値問題"季刊経済研究. 26・2. (2003)
[Publications] 小長谷一之: "都市経済学における空間に依存する効用関数の一般的取り扱いについて"季刊経済研究. 26・1. 75-90 (2003)
[Publications] 小長谷一之: "まちづくり自治体紹介:奈良市・ならまち"都市研究. 2. (2003)
[Publications] 小長谷一之: "アジア都市発展論"都市研究. 2. (2003)
[Publications] 小長谷一之: "新産業振興はまちづくりと共に-船場デジタルタウン構想-"大阪の経済2003. (2003)
[Publications] 小長谷一之: "空間計量経済学(Spatial Econometrics)における空間外部性の取り扱い方について"季刊経済研究. 25・4. (2003)
[Publications] P.Picard, D.-Z.Zeng: "Agricultural sector and industrial agglomeration"Journal of Development Economics. (近刊).
[Publications] D.-Z.Zeng, L.Fang, K.W.Hipel, D.M.Kilgour: "Policy stable states in the graph model for conflict resolution"香川大学経済研究所Working Paper. 84. (2004)
[Publications] D.-Z.Zeng: "An amendment to final-offer arbitration"Mathematical Social Sciences. Vol.46・No.1. 9-19 (2003)
[Publications] D.-Z.Zeng: "Spatial economy with multi-manufacturing industries"香川大学経済研究所Working Paper. 81. (2003)
[Publications] 石倉洋子, 藤田昌久, 前田昇, 金井一頼, 山崎朗: "日本の産業クラスター戦略--地域における競争優位の確立"有斐閣. 301 (2003)
[Publications] Ishikawa, Y., A.Montanari(eds.): "The new geography of human mobility : inequlity trends?"IGU. 222 (2003)
[Publications] 青山吉隆, 中川大, 松中亮治: "都市アメニティの経済学"学芸出版. 176 (2003)