[Publications] Tazaki, K.: "Radioactive biominerals in strong acidic hot springs"Chemical Geology. Special issue(accepted). (2004)
[Publications] Tazaki, K., Ishiguro, T., Saji, I.: "Bioaccumulation of uranium by lower plants on the weathered granite and microorganisms in the soils"Environment of soil and water. (in press). (2004)
[Publications] Saji, I., Nishikawa, O., Belkova, N., Okrugin, V., Tazaki, K.: "Chemical and microbiological investigations of hot spring deposits found at the hydrothermal systems of Kamtchatka Peninsula, Russia"The Science Reports of Kanazawa University. 48. 73-106 (2004)
[Publications] Tazaki, K., Miyata, K., Tazaka, T., Chiba, M., Wakimoto, R., et al.: "Finding abnormal events during the Iraq War monitored at Japan 8000 km away from Iraq"The Science Reports of Kanazawa University. 48. 107-133 (2004)
[Publications] 佐藤一博, 田崎和江, 朝田隆二: "薩摩硫黄島北平下海岸のAlを含む白色海水に生息するバクテリアとAl-鉱物の生成"島根大学地球資源環境学研究報告. 22. 39-48 (2003)
[Publications] 田崎和江: "日本海における重油流出事故とダム堆積物問題-日本海の環境保全と展望-"島根大学地球資源環境学研究報告. 22. 31-37 (2003)
[Publications] 田崎和江: "黒部川の出し平ダムおよび宇奈月ダムから排出されるヘドロと漁業問題"日本の科学者. 38. 14-15 (2003)
[Publications] Tazaki, K., Rafiqul, I.A.B.M., Nagai, K., Kurihara, T.: "FeAs2 biomineralization on encrusted bacteria in hot springs : an ecological role of symbiotic bacteria"The Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences. 40. 1725-1738 (2003)
[Publications] K.Tazaki, Tazaki's Seminar: "The Environmental Impacts on Heavy Oil Spilled from the Wrecked Russian Tanker Nakhodka Attacked the Coast of Hokuriku District, Japan, in 1997"Heavy oil spilled from Russian Tanker "Nakhodka" in 1997. 1-46 (2003)
[Publications] A.Aoki, K.Tazaki, K.Matsumoto: "Fluorescence Microscopic Observation of Beach Sands and Gravels Contaminated by C-Typed Heavy Oil and Remediation Methods"Heavy oil spilled from Russian Tanker "Nakhodka" in 1997. 68-81 (2003)
[Publications] K.Tazaki, A.Aoki, H.Watanabe: "Electron Microscopic Observation on Leaf-Dead Narcissuses by Volatilized Heavy Oil in Anto, Mikuni, Fukui Prefecture, Japan"Heavy oil spilled from Russian Tanker "Nakhodka" in 1997. 82-92 (2003)
[Publications] Y.Sampei, K.Tazaki, Y.Obara, T.Yoshimura, N.Sawano, et al.: "Compositional Changes of Heavy Oil and Aliphatic Hydrocarbon from the Spilled NAKHODKA-Oil Washed Ashore at Fukui, Ishikawa and Niigata Prefectures, Japan"Heavy oil spilled from Russian Tanker "Nakhodka" in 1997. 174-191 (2003)
[Publications] O.Nishikawa, N.Sawano, T.Hasegawa, K.Tazaki: "Various Styles and Long-Term Chemical Changes of the Heavy Oil Spilled from "Nakhodka""Heavy oil spilled from Russian Tanker "Nakhodka" in 1997. 192-202 (2003)
[Publications] S.K.Chaerun, K.Tazaki, R.Asada: "Double Function of Bentonite and Kaolinite as Adsorbents and "Microbial Growth-Support Media" for Degradation of Crude Oil"Heavy oil spilled from Russian Tanker "Nakhodka" in 1997. 253-276 (2003)
[Publications] K.Tawara, K.Tazaki: "Microorganisms Living in Emulsified Heavy Oil"Heavy oil spilled from Russian Tanker "Nakhodka" in 1997. 309-315 (2003)
[Publications] R.Asada, Y.Tanaka, S.K.Chaerun, K.Tazaki: "Bioremediation of Oil Contaminated Soils -Cultivation Experiments Using an Oil Adsorption-Resolution Item "Sponge"-"Heavy oil spilled from Russian Tanker "Nakhodka" in 1997. 337-351 (2003)
[Publications] R.Wakimoto, K.Tazaki, K.Aoki: "Oil Fixation by Diatom Cell in Oily Hot Spring Water - A Clue to Bioremediation Part I -"Heavy oil spilled from Russian Tanker "Nakhodka" in 1997. 352-365 (2003)
[Publications] R.Wakimoto, K.Tazaki: "Hydrocarbon Mineral Formation by Microorganisms in Tsukioka Oily Hot Springs in Niigata, Japan - A Clue to Bioremediation Part II -"Heavy oil spilled from Russian Tanker "Nakhodka" in 1997. 366-382 (2003)
[Publications] K.Shiraki, K.Kawamura, K.Tazaki: "Estimation of Adsorption Energies of Some Simple Molecules on Clay Surfaces : A Preliminary Research for the Clay-Organic Interaction"Heavy oil spilled from Russian Tanker "Nakhodka" in 1997. 383-392 (2003)
[Publications] Kazue Tazaki: "Clays and microorganisms : Biosynthesis and biomineralization"Water and Soil Environments ; Microorganisms play and important role. 1-23 (2003)
[Publications] ABM Rafiqul Islam, Kazue Tazaki: "Bioremediation of As polluted groundwater in Bangladesh"Water and Soil Environments ; Microorganisms play and important role. 25-52 (2003)
[Publications] Masayuki Okuno, Yuka Kitagawa, Ryuji Asada, Kazue Tzaki: "Structural change of non-crystalline biogenic silica of diatoms by heat treatment"Water and Soil Environments ; Microorganisms play and important role. 53-62 (2003)
[Publications] Hiromi Segawa, Kazuhiro Sato, Shuichi Shiraishi, Naoto Takahashi, Takaaki Kanamoto, Kazue Tazaki: "Observation of microbial mats from drainpipe at the landslide area in Takayanagi, Niigata, Japan-Diversity of ecosystem depends on the characteristics of water-"Water and Soil Environments ; Microorganisms play and important role. 63-74 (2003)
[Publications] Kazue Tazaki, Takayuki Kurihara: "Direct observation of virion going in and out of sulfur bacteria (Chloroflexus spp.)"Water and Soil Environments ; Microorganisms play and important role. 75-84 (2003)
[Publications] Matthew Marcus, Alain Manceau, Micheal Kersten, Kazue Tazaki: "Zn speciation in two Fe-Mn banded systems"Water and Soil Environments ; Microorganisms play and important role. 85-90 (2003)
[Publications] Hiroaki Watanabe, Kazue Tazaki, ABM Rafiqul Islam, S. Khodijah Chaerun: "Copper biomineralization with banded structure at Dogamaru mine, Shimane Prefecture, Japan"Water and Soil Environments ; Microorganisms play and important role. 91-140 (2003)
[Publications] Kazue Tazaki, Muneo Sato, Sjerry Van der Gaast, Toshikazu Morikaw: "Flushing clayey dam sediments influence on downstream benthic life"Water and Soil Environments ; Microorganisms play and important role. 141-158 (2003)
[Publications] Kazue Tazaki: "Remember !! Heavy oil spilled from the wrecked Russian tanker "Nakhodka" attacked the coasts of Hokuriku district in 1997"Water and Soil Environments ; Microorganisms play and important role. 177-186 (2003)
[Publications] S.Khodijah Chaerun, Kazue Tazaki: "Hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria in the heavy oil polluted soil and seawater after 5 years bioremediation"Water and Soil Environments ; Microorganisms play and important role. 187-204 (2003)
[Publications] Kazue Tazaki, William Fyfe: "Purple amethyst : Coloration by photonic carbon nano-structures"Water and Soil Environments ; Microorganisms play and important role. 205-216 (2003)
[Publications] Tazaki, K., Sato, M., Van der Gaast, S., Morikawa: "Flushing clayey dam sediments influence on downstream benthic life"Clay Minerals. 38. 243-258 (2003)
[Publications] 田崎和江, 国峯由貴江, 森川俊和, Chaerun Siti Khodjah, 朝田隆二 他: "富山県出し平ダムの排砂ゲートから排出された黒色濁水の特徴"LAGUNA(汽水域研究). 10. 1-7 (2003)
[Publications] イスラムABM, 白木康一, 宮田浩志郎, 田崎和江: "井戸の周囲に形成したバイオマット中の粘土鉱物とリン酸塩鉱物"粘土科学. 43. 14-22 (2003)
[Publications] Fadeeva, N.P., Bezverbnaja, I.P., Tazaki, K., Watanabe, H.et al.: "Composition and structure of marine benthic community Regarding bconditions of chronic Harbour pollution"Ocean and Polar Research. 25. 21-30 (2003)
[Publications] Bezverbnaya, I.P., Dimitrieva, G.Yu., Tazaki, K., Watanabe, H.: "Evaluation of seawater quality in the coastal zone of Primor'e using the method of microbial indication"Water Resources. 30. 199-208 (2003)
[Publications] Ueno, N., Sato, D., Tazaki, K.: "Correlation of heavy metal contents with magnetic susceptibility in drainage deposition of Ogoya Mine, Japan"Journal of Toyo University, Natural Science. 47. 73-90 (2003)
[Publications] Tazaki, K., Okrugin, V., Okuno, M., Belkova, N., Isulam, A.B.M., et al.: "Heavy metallic concentration in microvial mats found at hydrothermal area, kamchatka, Russia"The Science Reports of Kanazawa University. 47. 1-48 (2003)
[Publications] Kazue Tazaki (Editor): "Heavy oil spilled from Russian Tanker "Nakhodka" in 1997"21st Century COE Kanazawa University. 452 (2003)
[Publications] Kazue Tazaki (Editor): "Water and soil environments - Microorganisms play an important role"21st Century COE Kanazawa University. 254 (2003)