Research Abstract |
It is confirmed that the repetitive control proposed by author is extremely effective for trajectory control to the periodic input. It remains, however, an unsettled question how guarantee the stability of the control method, because that controller has a dea* element Accordingly, we have discussed the unsettled question in detail to overcome it question, and successfully found its solut developing novel repetitive control method which is able to change the stability domain in a complex plane without any additional outside the controller. For the usual repetitive control method, it has been forced that a vector locus of a controlled system must be kept within a stability domain of the controller which is a circle with a radius of 1 so that the repetitive control system is stable. That is an unsettled problem for the control method. The novel repetitive controller was developed that had forward transfer function e^<-jwL>/K instead of e^<-jwL> which was used for a usual repetitive controller and positive feedback with gain K. Since the frequency transfer function of the new controller becomes 1/K ・e^<-jwL>/(1-e^<-jwL>), the control system is not only extremely effective because of the infinity gain against periodic input or disturbance as usual, but also the system is always able to be kept stable because the stability domain of the control method is the domain within a circle with radius of K, center of (K, O) on complex plane. Therefore, the stability domain is changeable and, in an extreme case, the whole right area in a complex plane was able to be stable domain. Furthermore, whole complex domain can be able to be stable domain by rearrangement the elements in the proposed repetitive controller. The proposed repetitive control method was confirmed by simulations of several examples. This research was partially supported by the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C), 14550452, 2002.4-2004.3.