Research Abstract |
Using wild isolates of the new types of P. malariae and P. ovale collected from Myanmar and Indonesia, SSUrRNA, cytochrome b, cysteine protease or ookinete surface antigen genes were analyzed. In addition, in vitro culture was examined using wild isolates. (1)The new type of P. ovale possessed three different sequences of SSUrRNA gene, and all of them were differed from two sequences of the classic type, Nigerian-I. (2)The new types of P malariae and P. ovale had different sequences of cysteine protease gene from each classic type, Uganda-1 or Nigerian-I. (3)The new P ovale had different sequences of ookinete surface antigen genes from Nigerian-I. (4)In analysis of cytochrome b gene, the new P. ovale had a different sequence from the Harding strain, whereas the new P. malariae were also different from Uganda-1, but there was no difference between the two new types. (5)In vitro cultures of these new human malaria parasites were performed, using an enriched medium with glucose and 20% human serum. After cultivation for 24-48 hrs, they grew to young schizont stages, but further growth was not observed.