[Publications] Onodera, R., Seki, M., Ui, A., Satoh, Y., Miyajima, A., Onoda, F., Enomoto, T.: "Functional and physical interaction between Sgs1 and Top3 and Sgs1-independent function of Top3 in DNA recombination repair"Gen. Genet. Syst.. 77. 11-21 (2002)
[Publications] Kobayashi, T., Tada, S., Tsuyama, T., Morohushi, M., Seki, M., Enomoto, T.: "Focus-formation of replication protein A, activation of checkpoint system and DNA repair synthesis induced by DNA double-strand breaks in cell-free extract derived from Xenopus eggs"J. Cell. Sci.. 115. 3159-3169 (2002)
[Publications] Branzei, D, Seki, M., Onoda, F., Enomoto, T.: "The product of Saccharomyces cerevisiae WHIP/MGS1, a gene related to replication factor C genes, interacts functionally with DNA polymerase δ"Mol Genet Genomics.. 268. 371-386 (2002)
[Publications] Hayashi, T., Seki, M., Maeda, D., Wang, W., Kawabe, T., Seki, T., Saitoh, H., Fukagawa, T., Yagi, H., Enomoto, T.: "Ubc9 is essential for viability of higher eukaryotic cells"Exp Cell Res.. 280. 212-221 (2002)
[Publications] Branzei, D, Seki, M., Onoda, F., Yagi, H., Kawabe, Y., Enomoto, T.: "Characterization of the slow-growth phenotype of S. cerevisiae whip/mgs1 sgs1 double deletion mutants"DNA Repair. 1. 671-682 (2002)
[Publications] Odagiri, N., Seki, M., Onoda, F., Yoshimura, A., Watabane, S., Enomoto T.: "Budding yeast mms4 is epistatic with rad52 and the function of Mms4 can be replaced by a bacteria Holliday junction resolvase"DNA repair. 2. 347-358 (2003)
[Publications] Wang, W., Seki, M., Narita, Y., Nakagawa, T., Yoshimura, A., Otsuki, M., Kawabe, Y., Tada, S., Yagi, H., Ishii, Y., Enomoto, T.: "Functional relation among RecQ family helicases, RecQL1, RecQL5, and BLM in cell growth and SCE formation"Mol. Cell. Biol.. (in press).