[Publications] 中島義裕: "人工先物市場U-Martと経済物理学"素粒子論研究. 108巻4号. 52-55 (2004)
[Publications] Hiroyuki Matsui, Kazuhisa Taniguchi, Yoshihiro Nakajima, Isao Ono, Hiroshi Sato, Naoki Mori, Hajime Kita, Takao Terano, Hiroshi Deguchi, Yoshinorl Shiozawa: "U-Mart Project : New Research and Education Program for Market Mechanism"Abstract of ISAGA2003 International Simulation And Gaming Association (ISAGA) The 34th Annual Conference Hosted by Science Council of Japan (SCJ) and Japan Simulation And Gaming Association (JASAG). 87 (2003)
[Publications] Kazuhisa Taniguchi, Yoshihiro Nakajima, Fumihiko Hashimoto: "A Report of U-Mart Experiments by Human Agents"Proc.ISAGA2003 International Simulation And Gaming Association (ISAGA) The 34^<th> Annual Conference Hosted by Science Council of Japan (SCJ) and Japan Simulation And Gaming Association (JASAG). 1115-1124 (2003)
[Publications] Yoshihiro NAKAJIMA, Isao ONO, Naoki MORI, Hiroyuki MATSUI, Hiroshi SATO: "Elementary Property of U-Mart found by Submitted Agents to U-Mart International Experiment"Abstract of ISAGA2003 International Simulation And Gaming Association (ISAGA), The 34^<th> Annual Conference Hosted by Science Council of Japan (SCJ) and Japan Simulation And Gaming Association (JASAG). 115 (2003)
[Publications] H, Deguchi, T, Terano, H, Kita, Y, Shiozaw, R, Axtell, K, Carley, M, Tsvetovat, H, Sato, H, Matsui, I, Ono Y, Nakajima N, Mori: "Report of UMIE2002-Strategy and Rank Order of Submitted Machine Agents"Proc.NAACSOS2003 (UMIE2003) North American Association for Computational Social and Organizational Science Conference, NAACSOS_PAPERS_DAY3\Sato_Hiroshi_s2_d3_p2.pdf. (CD-ROM). (2003)
[Publications] H.Deguchi, T.Terano, H.Kita, Y.Shiozawa, R.Axtell, K.Carley, M.Tsvetovat, H.Sato, H, Matsui, I.Ono, Y.Nakajima, N.Mori: "U-Mart International Experiment2003 (UMIE2003)"Proc.NAACSOS2003 North American Association for Computational Social and Organizational Science Conference, NAACSOS_PAPERS_DAY3\Sato_Hiroshi_s2_d3_p1.pdf. (CD-ROM). (2003)
[Publications] Yoshihiro, NAKAJIMA, Tomomi, UEDA: "Analysis of Submitted Agent to UMIE2002-Influence of Spot Data and Oppornents on Agents"Proc.NAACSOS2003 (UMIE2003) North American Association for Computational Social and Organizational Science Conference, NAACSOS_PAPERS_DAY3\Nakajima, Ueda_Yoshihor, Tomomi_s2_d3.pdf. (CD-ROM). (2003)
[Publications] Tomomi, UEDA, Kazuhisa, TANIGUCHI, Yoshihiro, NAKAJIMA: "An Analysis of U-Mart Experiments by Machine and Human Agent"Proc.CIRA2003 IEEE Computational Intelligence in Robotics and Automation, \papers\CIRA-SS07-5.pdf. (CD-ROM). (2003)
[Publications] T.Terano, Y.Shiozawa, H.Deguchi, Hajime Kita, H.Matsui, H.Sato, I.Ono, Y.Nakajima: "U-Mart : An Artificial Market Testbed for Economics and multi agent Systems"Proc.2nd International Workshop on Agent-based Approaches in Economics and Social Complex Systems. 55-62 (2002)
[Publications] Y.Nakajima, Y.Koyama: "Attempt to design institutions of market by using U-Mart System-A practice of interdisciplinary research-"SICE 第25回システム工学部会研究会 予稿集. 02PG0006. 133-138 (2002)
[Publications] 中島義裕: "人工市場と現実の市場"信学技報. Vol101,No535. 71-78 (2002)
[Publications] Y.Nakajima: "Nonlinear Properties Found in Actual Markets"Journal of the Korean Physical Society. Vol.40 No.6. 1090-1099 (2002)