[Publications] 三藤 博: "定名詞句の意味解釈への関数アプローチ"自然言語の意味構造(言語文化共同研究プロジェクト2003). 33-41 (2003)
[Publications] 松井 理直: "言語理論に基づく音楽の形式的分析とその問題点"日本音響学会誌. Vol.59,No.3. 165-171 (2003)
[Publications] 松井 理直: "母音無声化の知覚的手がかりについて"Kansai Linguistic Society. Vol.23. 106-116 (2003)
[Publications] 松井 理直: "無声化母音の生起における知覚的制約"日本心理学会第66回大会論文集. No.66. 1AM114 (2003)
[Publications] 田窪 行則: "言語の形式的アプローチと機能主義的アプローチ"日本語学. Vol.22,No.9. 6-11 (2003)
[Publications] Takubo, Y., J.Sasaguri, Y.Kinjo: "Lexical manifestation of an extensionalizing operator in Japanese"The Conference Handbook of the 2nd Seoul International Conference on Discourse and Cognitive Linguistice. 593-604 (2003)
[Publications] Hoji, H., Kinsui, S., Takubo, Y., Ueyama, A.: "Demonstratives in Modern Japanese"Functional Structure(s),Form and Interpretation : Perspectives from East Asian Languages, Routledge Curzon(A.Li, and A.Simpson (eds.)). 97-128 (2003)
[Publications] 今仁生美, 宝島格: "自然言語における量化と照応-機械志向の意味論"名古屋学院大学論集 言語・文化篇. Vol.15-1・2(印刷中). (2004)
[Publications] 馬田一郎, 片桐恭弘, 下島篤: "図形コミュニケーションにおける描画インタラクションについて"日本認知学会第20回大会論文集. Vo.20. 272-273 (2003)
[Publications] Katagiri, Y., Takahashi, T.: "Social summarization for semantic society"Proc.International Workshop : From Semantic Web to Semantic World. 1-4 (2003)
[Publications] Bono, M., Suzuki, N., Katagiri, Y.: "An analysis of non-verbal cues for turn-taking through observation of speaker behaviors"Proc.ICCS/ASCS-2003 Joint International Conference on Cognitive Science. (CD-ROM). (2003)
[Publications] Umata, I., Shimojima, A., Katagiri, Y., Swoboda, N.: "Interaction organization in graphical communication"Proc.25th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. 1170-1175 (2003)
[Publications] Fay, N., Bono, M., Katagiri, Y.: "Interactive gesture co-ordination : a study of interpersonal pointing alignment"Proc.IGC (Interactive Graphical Communication). 83-86 (2003)
[Publications] Umata, I., Shimojima, A., Katagiri, Y., Swoboda, N.: "Graphical turns in multimodal communication"Proc.2nd Interactive Workshop on Interactive Graphical Communication. 69-78 (2003)
[Publications] 鈴木 紀子, 片桐 恭弘: "Prosodic synchrony for error management in human-computer interaction"ISCA Workshop on Error-Handling in Spoken Dialogue Systems. 107-111 (2003)
[Publications] Bono, M., Suzuki, N., Katagiri, Y.: "An analysis of participation structure in conversation based on Interaction Corpus of ubiquitous sensor data"Proc.INTERACT 2003 Ninth IFIP TC13 International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. 713-716 (2003)
[Publications] 片桐 恭弘: "ロボットの社会的知能"情報処理. Vol.44,No.12. 1233-1238 (2003)
[Publications] 有田 節子: "書評論文:Barbara Dancygier, Conditionals and Prediction : Time, Knowledge, and Causation in Conditional Constructions"言語研究. Vol.124. 155-174 (2003)
[Publications] 松井 理直: "計算論的関連性理論に基づく反事実条件文の解釈"Theoretical and Applied Linguistics at Kobe Shoin. No.7. 83-101 (2004)
[Publications] 松井 理直: "推論における認知的関連性の定量的計算過程"文法と音声. IV(印刷中). (2004)
[Publications] 郡司 隆男: "意味と論理"ことばの科学ハンドブック(郡司隆男・西垣内泰介編)(研究社). 151-194 (2004)
[Publications] 郡司 隆男: "日本語のアスペクトと反実仮想"Theoretical and Applied Linguistics at Kobe Shoin. No.6. 21-34 (2004)
[Publications] 松井 理直: "音声のしくみ"ことばの科学ハンドブック(郡司隆男・西垣内泰介編)(研究社). 37-81 (2004)
[Publications] Takarajima, I., Akama, K., Shigeta, Y., Imani, I: "On the termination of non-deterministic programs based on the equivalent transformation computation model"The 2004 International Conference on Algorithmic Mathematics and Computer Science. (to appear). (2004)
[Publications] Fay, N., Swoboda, N., Fukaya, T., Umata, I., Katagiri, Y.: "Using graphics to communicate across cultures"Diagrams 2004. (to appear). (2004)
[Publications] 郡司 隆男, 西垣内 泰介(編): "ことばの科学ハンドブック"研究社. x+281 (2004)