Research Abstract |
We collected and analyzed many archaeological data and historical records on the use of interior water transportation in ancient Capital sites and local public office sites and temple sites in Japan. In Asuka capital sites, it began to utilize the water transportation in the Yamato -River system in many occasions. In Saimei -Empress period, "Tabure Kokoro no Mizo" canal was dug for the purpose of the construction of Asuka - palace institutions and temples. That canal was bound for Yamato-river system, and the utilization of Yamato-river water transportation were regular. In Fujiwara - palace period, new canal was dug in the central area of Fujiwara palace, and it was linked with Yamato-river. The utilization of Yamato-river water transportation were more and more regular. And the drainage system in Fujiwara-capital was linked with that canal and rivers. That is, Fujiwara-palace period was great epoch in the history of use of interior water transportation. The new knowledge of water tran
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sportation network was very important for the comprehension of historical character of ancient capital cities. In Nara capital city, and Heian capital city, interior water transportation system developed more systematically, it became to link with the drainage system and flood counter measure in capital city. In Nara capital city, Nagaoka capital city, and Heian capital city, the use of the water transportation in Yodo - river system became to be more important for political, economical, and social activities. River ports, for example, "Ki - tu", "Yamazaki-tu" and "Yodo-tu" were built in Yodo-river side. These external river ports in capital cities had the important position of each capital cities. The location of markets in capital cities was closely related with the use of the water transportation. We made clear that "Horikawa" canals, Ichhime-shrine or Ichkisima-shrine, and Hime-temple were close to each other in Nara capital site and Heian capital site. In Fujiwara capital site, we cleared that the location of the east market was closely related to Yone-river water transportation. There are Ichikisima - shrine, and ancient temple site near by supposed site of east market of Fujiwara capital city. In local public office sites and temple sites, we collected and analyzed many archaeological data and historical records on the use of water transportation. We made clear that location of provincial office sites, for example, Hizen - Kokufu sites, Tagajou site, Iwaki-Gunga site, Futi-Gunga site were closely related to the use of the water transportation. They situated near rivers, and the existence of canals and river ports were made clear in many sites. We made clear concretely that the river transportation was very important factor for the formation of the local public offices and ancient capital cities. Less