[Publications] Q.-H.Chen, X.Hu: "Nonequilibrium phase transitions of vortex matter in three-dimensional layered superconductors"Physical Review Letters. 90. (117005)1-(117005)4 (2003)
[Publications] T.Hikihara, T.Momoi, X.Hu: "Spin-chirality duality in a spin ladder with four-spin cyclic exchange"Physical Review Letters. 90. (087204)1-(087204)4 (2003)
[Publications] A.Tanaka, X.Hu: "Possible spin triplet superconductivity in NaxCoO2/yH2O"Physical Review Letters. 91. (257006)1-(257006)4 (2003)
[Publications] Q.-H.Chen, X.Hu: "Effect of disorder on driven vortex matter in high-Tc superconductors"International Journal of Modern Physics B. 17. 3433 (2003)
[Publications] Q.-H.Chen, A.Tanaka, X.Hu: "Evidence for finite temperature glass transition in two dimensions"Physica B. 329-333. 1413-1414 (2003)
[Publications] Q.-H.Chen, X.Hu: "Dynamical phase diagram of driven vortices in high-Tc superconductors"Journal of Low Temperature Physics. 131. 951-955 (2003)
[Publications] T.Hikihara, X.Hu: "Numerical renormalization study on magnetic properties of edge states in carbon nanotubes"Physica B. 329-333. 1166-1167 (2003)
[Publications] T.Hikihara, X.Hu, H.-H.Lin, C.-Y.Mou: "Ground-state properties of nanographite systems with zigzag-shaped edges"Physical Review B. 68. (035432)1-(035432)9 (2003)
[Publications] A.Tanaka, X.Hu: "Stripe-superconductor duality and the emergence of nodal fermions"Journal of Low Temperature Physics. 131. 203 (2003)
[Publications] A.Tanaka, X.Hu: "Possible route from stripes and other spatially structured many-electron states to superconductivity"International Journal of Modern Physics B. 17. 3544 (2003)
[Publications] A.Tanaka, X.Hu: "Role of antiferromagnetic fluctuations on charge ordering and superconductivity as viewed through quantal phases"Physica C. 388-389. 35-36 (2003)
[Publications] Y.Nonomura, X.Hu: "Bragg-Bose glass phase in vortex states of high-Tc superconductors with sparse columnar defects"International Journal of Modern Physics B. 17. 3427 (2003)
[Publications] Y.Nonomura, X.Hu: "Evidence of Bragg glass phase in high-Tc vortex states with columnar defects"Physica C. 388-389. 643-644 (2003)
[Publications] Y.Nonomura, X.Hu: "Numerical study on the vortex states of high-Tc superconductors with point defects : Novel phases in the vortex liquid region"Journal of Low Temperature Physics. 131. 987 (2003)
[Publications] X.Hu: "Bicritical phenomena and scaling properties of O(5) model"Physica A. 321. 71-80 (2003)
[Publications] X.Hu: "Pinning effects in vortex states of high-Tc superconductors : MonteCarlo simulations"Journal of Low Temperature Physics. 131. 979-986 (2003)
[Publications] X.Hu: "Effects of thermal fluctuations and magnetic field in the SO(5) theory"Physica C. 388-389. 61-62 (2003)
[Publications] X.Hu: "New developments in theory of vortex states in type II supercondutors"Modern Physics Letter B. 17. 725-731 (2003)
[Publications] X.Hu, Q.-H.Chen: "Computer simulations on the melting phenomena of quantized fluxlines in type II superconductors"International Journal of Modern Physics B. 17. 55-61 (2003)
[Publications] X.Hu, M.Tachiki: "A KT phase of interlayer Josephson vortex systems in high-Tc superconductors"International Journal of Modern Physics B. 17. 3430-3432 (2003)
[Publications] T.Momoi, T.Hikihara, M.Nakamura, X.Hu: "Scalar chiral ground states of spin ladders with four-spin exchanges"Physical Review B. 67. (174410)1-(174410)8 (2003)
[Publications] J.L.Zhu, X.Q.Yu, Z.S.Dai, X.Hu: "Aharonov-Bohm oscillation modes in double-barrier nanorings"Physical Review B. 67. (075404)1-(075404)7 (2003)
[Publications] X.Yu, J.L.Zhu, X.Hu: "Controllable electronic structures and related properties in a double-barrier nanoring"Applied Physics Letter. 82. 4567-4569 (2003)
[Publications] J.L.Zhu, Z.S.Dai, X.Hu: "Two electrons in one-dimensional nanorings : Exact solutions and interaction energies"Physical Review B. 68. (045324)1-(045324)7 (2003)