Research Abstract |
The author of this book is unknown to us, but it is said that Francesco Colonna is found in the initial Capitals of 38 chapters of this book. This story, concerning about Nature and man, religion and art, myth and art, love and catharsis of spirit, eros and tanatos, etc., has many problems on human being and architecture, so that we have to examine the structure of the contents. First, gods and goddesses of Greek and Roman Myths cited in this story are analyzed and the result are as these. 1. In this story it is necessary to achieve the love of Polifilo and Polia that she cannot devote herself to Diana because she and Apollo are twins. Following comparison is able to suggest: Polifilo : Apollo / male / rational / light / optic Polia :Venus / female / irrational / darkness / tactile 2. Gods and goddesses quoted here are older than those of Olympus, so that Colonna's intention is to destroy the conventional literary style and the old institution. For Colonna Idea of beauty is in accordance with the constant harmonic movement of Cosmos and concretely reflected to symmetria, proportion, modulo of artistic forms, and number is the base of ontological root of aesthetic phenomena. In addition he presents his book with description and illustration, and this style ha an' originality probably influenced Vitruvius, Filarete, Francesco di Giorgio. On the one hand Iconology of Image on this book is influenced by the classical texts and models and humanists, on the other hand, almost all the classic documents are presented in the light of middle age aethetics, concerning Polifilo's confliction on love and sprit. As mentioned above, Colonna expresses the impossible world in the real one in developing stories in a dream and the dream in it, learninng many things from his contemporary artists and literati.. He creates his world using his erudite knowledge and intelligence on Egypt, Greece, Etruscan and Roma, influencing the later periods from baroque to this present days.