[Publications] Nakada C, Tsukamoto Y, Oka A, Nonaka I, Takeda T, Sato K, Mori S, Ito H, Moriyama M: "Cardiac restricted ankyrin repeated protein (CARP) is differentially induced in Duchnne and congenital muscular dystrophy."Lab Invest.. 83. 711-719 (2003)
[Publications] Nakae S, Saijo S, Sudo K, Mori S, Iwakura Y: "IL-17 production from activated T cells is required for the spontaneous development of destructive arthritis in mice deficient in IL-1 receptor antagonist."Proc Natl AcadSci USA. 100. 5986-5990 (2003)
[Publications] Ree HJ, Ohsima K, Aozasa K, Takeuchi K, Kim CW, Yang WI, Huh JY, Lee SS.Ko, YH.Kwon MS, Cho EY, Choi YL, Rhee JC, Kikuchi M, Mori S: "Detection of germinal center B-cell lymphoma in archival specimens : critical evaluation of Bcl-6 protein expression in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma of the tonsil."Human Pathology. 34. 610-616 (2003)
[Publications] Yoshida Y, Nakamura T, Komoda M, Satoh H, Suzuki T, Tsuzuku JK, Miyasaka T, Yoshida EH, Umemori H, Kunisaki RK, Tani K, Ishii S, Mori S, Suganuma M, Noda T, Yamamoto T: "Mice lacking a transcriptional corepressor Tob are predisposed to cancer."Genes & Development. 17. 171201-171206 (2003)
[Publications] Ito E., Honma R., Imai J., Azuma S., Kanno T., Mori S., Yoshie O., Nishio J., Iwasaki H., Yoshida K., Gohda J., Inoue J., Watanabe S., Semba K.: "A tetraspanin-family protein, T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia-associated antigen 1, is induced by the Ewing's sarcoma-Wilms' tumor 1 fusion protein of desmoplastic small round-cell tumor."Am j Pathol. 163. 2165-2172 (2003)
[Publications] Fujino Y., Sato H., Hisasue M., Masuda K., Ohno K., Tsujimoto H.: "Detection of the integrated feline leukemia viruses in a cat lymphoid tumor cell line by fluorescence in situ hybridization."J.Hered. 94. 251-255 (2003)
[Publications] Satoh H., Fujiwara M., Fukami T., Fukuhara H., Murakami, Y.: "Comparative assignments of the TSLC1 and TSLC1-like tumor suppressor genes, TSLL1 and TSLL2, to rat chromosomes by fluorescence in situ hybridization."Bull.Nippon Vet.Anim.Sci.Univ.. 52. 24-28 (2003)
[Publications] Yamada T., Suzuki M., Satoh H., Kihara NF., Nakano H., Oikawa T.: "Effects of PU.1-induced mouse calcium-calmodulin-dependent kinase I-like kinase (CKLiK) on apoptosis of murine erythroleukemia cells."Exp.Cell.Res.. 294. 39-50 (2003)
[Publications] Fujiwara M., Tsukamoto Y., Miyazaki A., Moriyama M., Sato H: "Assignment of the murine ankyrin-repeated protein gene(Ankrd2) to mouse chromosome 19C3→D1 and rat chromosome 1q51→q53 by fluorescence in situ hybridization."Cytogenet.Genome Res.. (in press).