Outline of Annual Research Achievements |
We have conducted follow up studies based on the findings from our initial experiments. We are in the process of compiling data to submit two grant applications (IELTS, and TOEFL), very much impossible without the kakenhi funding. We continue to liaise with Professor DeJong of Leiden University, a renowned scholar in the fluency field, with whom we anticipate submitting our first paper We processed and monitored data, based on research assistant data preparation. Our findings were presented at four international conferences: Investigating Relationships between Second Language Oral Ability and Vocabulary Knowledge: Impacts on Teaching and Learning, Dion Clingwall, Simon Fraser, Asian Association for Language Assessment, May 31, 2017, With Invitation. Vocabulary knowledge and oral ability: exploring multiple theories and potential relationships, Jon Clenton, Dion Clingwall, Simon Fraser, Association for Language Testing and Assessment of Australia and New Zealand Monday 27 to Wednesday 29 November, 2017,, With Invitation Evaluating measures of oral proficiency and vocabulary with monologic, quasi-dialogic, and dialogic speaking tasks, Clingwall, D., Clenton, J., Fraser, S., Language Assessment Research, Ames, Iowa.March 21-23, 2018, With Invitation. Investigating the impact of vocabulary, pausing, and task type on fluency, Clingwall, D., Clenton, J., Fraser, S., American Association for Applied Linguistics 2018 Conference Chicago, Illinois. March 23 to March 25th 2018, With Invitation
Current Status of Research Progress |
Current Status of Research Progress
2: Research has progressed on the whole more than it was originally planned.
One submitted paper is currently under review, following revisions, at Language Testing Research. We are approaching submission for two international journals (Studies in Second Language Acquisition, and Tesol Quarterly). We are also in the process of liaising with a publisher regarding a possible edited volume, the contents of which partially relate to our kakenhi project.
Strategy for Future Research Activity |
Having measured speaking with dialogic, quasi-dialogic, and monologic tasks, we are closer to understanding how different tasks influence performance. We are using these findings to inform our grant applications, since such speaking measures are employed in large scale testing suits such as IELTS. We include a variety of different lexical analyses and are closer to detailing specific vocabulary such tasks appear to require (Walters, 2013).