Research Abstract |
This project, based on a new concept "Peripheral East Asia" created by John Chuan-tiong Lim as the head investigator of the project and first published in International Relations Vol.135 in 2004, aimed at examining the dynamics of the identity politics in Okinawa, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau. It is the first international joint survey research project regarding the residents' identity of these 4 places ever done. Telephone survey was conducted in all the four places simultaneously, 3 times in 3 consecutive years (Nov 2005, Nov 2006 and Nov 2007), with the cooperation of Public Opinion Program of University of Hong Kong, Election Study Center of National Chengchi University of Taiwan, and Faculty of Law and Letters of University of the Ryukyus. More than 1,000 of effective samples were collected in each area each year. Descriptive statistics and crosstables computed from sampled data can help to show not only differences among the 4 societies, but also any dynamical changes within the 3-year period. There are four main findings found from the statistics of the joint survey. First, concerning the structure of the identity, multiple identities exist in all the four societies. Second, despite local identity is strong in the 4 places, Okinawan have the strongest local identity among the 4 places. Third, Taiwanese have the biggest intention to become an independent state than their counterpart. Fourth, young people have a more complex and fluxional identity than their senior generation in all the four societies. During the past three years, more than five books and eight journal papers were published and more than fifteen presentations were given in academic organizations in Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, Korea, India and the United States. This research has been paid high attention and thought to be the most outstanding project of the 4 places in this decade.