Research Abstract |
An alternative framework for the new perspective of "Assessment/Evaluation" (Hyoka) was examined in this study. First of all, two terms, "Assessment" and "Evaluation", which should be the English translation from Japanese word "Hyoka", were examined, and the difference of these terms was pointed our. As the result in these characteristics, the more importance and expediency in "Assessment" was found, and one of the examples which has both characteristics, "the report type assessment" was examined. Moreover, two aspects, "as for the assessment" and "as for the learning activity" was found from some comments in the case of self-assessment by students. On the other hand, based on the results of the research in "Meta Assessment", four aspects within Hyoka, "Purpose" "Content" "Method" and "Assessment", was examined. "For what purpose we need to assess?", "What we need to assess?", "Who, when, and how we need to assess", and "How the assessment had been done?" were examined, and the following was found ; these are the aspects of assessment, and at the same time, these are the criteria for "Meta Assessment", which is the assessment about the assessment. Moreover, the reflexive nature of reviewing and summarizing was pointed out, and the new concept of "Integration of Learning and Assessment" was presented. Because the re-assessed assessment(=learning activity) is same to the objective result of their learning, the new understanding for the learning outcomes was presented as follows ; "The real outcomes of the students' learning is not the result of the knowledge and skills, which are acquired by students, but the situation as students realize that they acquire these knowledge and skills."