Research Abstract |
In order to find the etiologic agents of Kawasaki syndrome (KS), we investigated the serum protein profiles of patients with KS. Patients and Methods: Sera of 8 KS patients before treatment and 8 age matched febrile patients were used. To simplify the analysis conditions, these sera were collected from the KS patients at an early phase of the disease and younger than 6 months of age. Results: Among 250 peaks with an observed significant difference between KS and control patients, 20 peaks were selected as potential biomarkers. Two proteins were considered to represent 11 increased peaks observed in different conditions in the sera of KS patients; peak with mass-to-charge ratios (m/z): 11,524 and 11,581 in the cation exchange chip (pH4). These peak intensities in KS showed no correlation with the day of illness, number of KS symptoms, white blood cell counts, values of C-reactive protein, or values of transaminases. Among 9 decreased peak in KS, a peak with m/z 28,008 in the copper chip (pH7) showed the widest ROC area. These peaks were considered potential biomarkers of KS. Then, to confirm this fact, we investigated the serum protein profiles using another samples (sera of 8 KS patients and 5 controls). Results: There were no differences between KS and control groups in the peaks of m/z 11,524 or 11,631 in the cation exchange chip (pH4). However, using 16 KS samples and 13 control samples, peaks with m/z 17389, 17,405, 14,052, 8,702, and 14,056 in the cation exchange chip (pH4) were significantly different between the groups. In these peaks, there were peaks that elevated in the acute phase of KS. Conclusions; Although etiologic agents of KS were not detected, candidates for biomarkers of KS have been selected. Further examination is necessary.