Research Abstract |
Chemical constituents of Macaranga tanarius, Bridelia glauca f. balansae, Tricalysia dubia, Helicia cochinsinensis, Euodia meliaefolia, collected in Okinawa were investigated. From B. glauca f. balansae and E. meliaefolia, many megastigmane glycosides were isolated. Their structures were elucidated by means of NMR spectroscopy and absolute structure was substantiated by the modified Mosher's method. From branches of Tricalysia dubia, several rearranged diterpenoids and other known compounds were isolated. MTT assay using KB cells revealed that stigmasterol showed strong activity. Multi drug resistance assay was performed using K563/Adr and several rearranged diterpenoids showed the strong activity. Following plants originated from Thailand were, investigated: Acanthus volubilis, Dolichandrone serrulata, Morinda elliptica, Erythroxylon cuneatum, Equisetum debile, E. diffusum, Spermacoce laevis, Leea thorelli, Dioecrescis erythroclada, Strophiblachia fimbricalyx, Oldenladia corymbosa. From these plants, phenolic glycosides, megastigmane glycoside and so on were isolated. Biological investigations of these plant products are in progress. From Scoparia dulcis, Curcuma aff. aeruginosa, originated from Vietnam, diterpenoids and sesquiterpenoids were isolated, respectively.