Research Abstract |
Comparative analyses of mammalian (mouse, rabbit, pig, suncus), reptile (gekko, turtle), avian (chick), amphibian (Xenopus), actinist (coelacanth), cladist (bichir), teleost (zebrafish, medaka, fugu), cartillaginous fish (skate) and agnatha (lamprey) embryos, developmentally and/or genomically, demonstrated that 1) extraembryonic head organizer tissues in vertebrates are homologous to deep endoderm cells in Xenopus, 2) Otx2 gene cascade was established in ancestral sarcopterigian to suppress poeteriorizing signals, 3) anterior neuroectoderm develops differently between sarcopterigian and actinopterigian, 4) potency to form layer structures in cortical progenitor cells would have been established in reptile stage, not in mammal, and others.