Outline of Annual Research Achievements |
Between April 2018 and March 2019, as a first step for developing analysis methods of the proposal, I worked on seismic-noise algorithms, which were tested on my previous geophysical experiment in the Himalayas. The key research outcome of the 1st FY was a publication (Podolskiy et al., Geophys. Res. Lett., 2018). Moreover, this work was highlighted by international media (Scientific American and AGU), and presented at 5 international and national meetings, specifically: (a1). JpGU Meeting 2018, Makuhari-Tokyo (May 20-24, 2018) [oral], (a2). AGU 2018, Washington D.C. (Dec 10, 2018) [oral], (a3). VAW/ETH-Zurich Seminar, Switzerland (Oct 3, 2018) [oral], (a4). 北海道大学低温科学研究所共同利用研究集会 「気候変化に伴う質量収支と氷河変動に関する研究」2019年1月7日 [oral], (a5). 地震火山研究観測センター, 2018年度 第2 回談話会 2018年7月30日 [oral].
Furthermore, the developed methods were also applied to geophysical data I previously collected in Greenland, and they were presented as 3 talks in the following meetings: (b1). European Seismological Commission General Assembly 2018, Valetta, Malta (Sep 2-7, 2018) [oral], (b2). AGU 2018, Washington D.C. (Dec 13, 2018) [oral], (b3). VAW/ETH-Zurich Seminar, Switzerland (Sep 20, 2018) [oral].
Finally, I spent 2 month-long research stays with my collaborators in Europe's leading research institutes (April-May 2018 @ IPGP, France; Sep-Oct @ ETH-Zurich, Switzerland).
Current Status of Research Progress |
Current Status of Research Progress
1: Research has progressed more than it was originally planned.
Considering the following outcomes: i) the first year has already yielded 1 peer-reviewed publication (Podolskiy et al., 2018), ii) this publication was highlighted by the world's leading magazine on popular science (i.e., Scientific American) as well as other media, iii) the research progress was presented in 7 oral presentations (3 were international) iv) I spent 2 month-long research stays with my collaborators in Europe's leading institutes (IPGP, France; ETH-Zurich, Switzerland), I believe the last FY was very successful.
Strategy for Future Research Activity |
Following earlier results, which were partly presented in FY2018 at several national and international meetings, I am going to work on my manuscripts focused on numerical modeling and analysis of cryo-seismic noise. This year I also plan to participate in a major international field campaign to remote areas of Greenland in June - August 2019. In collaboration with my colleagues from Hokkaido University and abroad (e.g., ETH-Zurich), we expect a significant amount of new observational data for processing, analysis, and publications. Hopefully, such results will be of major importance for my progress. In April 2019, I am going to attend European Geoscience Union 2019 meeting in Vienna for presenting my work and giving an invited talk. Indeed, I also think to participate in several other major conferences (e.g., I am invited to give a solicited talk at the 11th International Statistical Seismology, and plan to join American Geophysical Union 2019 meeting).