Outline of Annual Research Achievements |
Data was collected from four institutions in Kyushu; (1) Kyushu Institute of Technology, (2) Kitakyushu-city University, (3) Kyushu International University, and (4) International University of Kagoshima; three essays from each of the universities, one in June 2019, a second in October 2019, and a third in January 2020. For the four universities, for the first paper (May, 2019) 65 participants wrote essays, for the second (September 2019) 52 students participated and the last (January 2020), 43 participants participate. To study the effects of having more essays, the students in one university (Kitakyushu-city university) wrote five essays, (May, June, September, November and December). For analyzing complexity, analysis focus on the number of clauses, mean length per t-units, clause per t-unit, t-units per sentence, coordinate phrase per t-unit, whereas the word-count of the essay was used to measure fluency. For the first paper, results showed for clauses data (first draft, 25.85) and (second draft, 22.77), and for MLT, (first draft, 9.142) and second draft (9.43); for C/T (1.35) and (1.36); for T/S (1.29) and (1.087). and for CP/T (0.202) and (0.217), and for fluency (173.32) and (160.6). Similar results were shown for the overall results for the first and second paper. In short, data showed very little improvement over a school year in students' writing in regard to all three factors (complexity, accuracy, and fluency). As for the second research aim related to editing, results showed a marginal (but important) difference for the use of online grammar checkers.
Current Status of Research Progress |
Current Status of Research Progress
2: Research has progressed on the whole more than it was originally planned.
Due to the lack of responses for cooperation for this science grant project, only one university (Hiroshima University) agreed. The coronavirus also impacted the number of students, so only six students will participate. Thus, the number of essays will be vastly increased due to the smaller number of students, and will explore the nature of extensive writing and how CAF might change in this regard.
Strategy for Future Research Activity |
One paper submission is planned for this year, for the JALT JOURNAL, highlighting issues about students’ writing output and CAF for the past year, and one conference (Taiwan 7th International Conference at Feng Chia University) is planned for highlighting issues in regard to editing with online grammar checkers vs. self-checking. A conference in early 2121 on teacher recommendations about the common problems of Japanese EFL students’ accuracy and syntactical complexity is now being examined. The aim of the last presentation is to make investigate the recommendations that teachers have for addressing the common writing problems of Japanese EFL students. A summary of this data will also be reported to the Japan Times, some time in late May or June 2020.
Causes of Carryover |
Due to the mitigating effects of the coronavirus on gathering students to participate in the project and to adequately publicize the data at various conferences throughout the world, there is the possibility that some funds relating to travel expenses and personnel expenditures might have to be used in the next fiscal year. Also further research is definitely needed on the issue of writing curricula and of innovative practices in writing. Evaluation rubrics have been written and developed, with one of the key issues relating to ‘copy-paste and improper citations and references’ that are closely monitored. Key issues in current 2020 rubrics focus on ‘problem setting questions 25%, reference materials 25%, consideration/discussion 30%, and sentence & style 20%. Students need further practice and guidance in writing SNA, emails, and one-page reports.