Outline of Annual Research Achievements |
This year, our team has published in a diverse variety of areas concerning the various aspects of supernovae and supernova remnants, with a spotlight casted on the interaction-powered emission from different evolutionary stages. These efforts are inline with the theme of this KAKENHI project which is to understand the late-stage evolution of massive stars. Publication in refereed journals: 1) T. Matsuoka, S.-H. Lee, K. Maeda, T. Takiwaki and T. J. Moriya, "Long-term Evolution of a Supernova Remnant Hosting a Double Neutron Star Binary", The Astrophysical Journal, 930, 143 (2022); 2) R. Kobashi, H. Yasuda and S.-H. Lee, "Long-term Evolution of Non-thermal Emission from Type Ia and Core-collapse Supernova Remnants in a Diversified Circumstellar Medium", The Astrophysical Journal, 936, 26 (2022); 3) M. Katsuragawa, S.-H. Lee, H. Odaka, A. Bamba, H. Matsumura and T. Takahashi, "On the Formation of Over-ionized Plasma in Evolved Supernova Remnants", The Astrophysical Journal, 938, 23 (2022); 4) K. Maeda, P. Chandra, T. J. Moriya et al. (with S.-H. Lee), "A Multi-wavelength View of the Rapidly Evolving SN 2018ivc: An Analog of SN IIb 1993J but Powered Primarily by Circumstellar Interaction", The Astrophysical Journal, 942, 17 (2022) Proceedings and non-refereed publications: 1) C. Badenes, D. Patnaude and S.-H. Lee, "Models for X-ray Emission of Type Ia Supernova Remnants in Different Circumstellar Environments", AAS/HEAD 54, 110.95; 2) R. Kraft, M. Markevitch, C. Kilbourne et al. (with S.-H. Lee), "Line Emission Mapper (LEM): Probing Physics of Cosmic Ecosystem", arXiv:2211.09827