2022 Fiscal Year Annual Research Report
Gluon saturation and origin of QGP probed by forward photons at LHC
Project/Area Number |
Research Institution | University of Tsukuba |
Principal Investigator |
中條 達也 筑波大学, 数理物質系, 講師 (70418622)
Co-Investigator(Kenkyū-buntansha) |
三明 康郎 筑波大学, 数理物質系(特命教授), 特命教授 (10157422)
Novitzky Norbert 筑波大学, 数理物質系, 助教 (30842570) [Withdrawn]
稲葉 基 筑波技術大学, 産業技術学部, 准教授 (80352566)
杉立 徹 広島大学, 先進理工系科学研究科(理), 名誉教授 (80144806)
下村 真弥 奈良女子大学, 自然科学系, 准教授 (70555416)
蜂谷 崇 奈良女子大学, 自然科学系, 准教授 (10589005)
大山 健 長崎総合科学大学, 工学研究科, 教授 (10749047)
Project Period (FY) |
2020-08-31 – 2025-03-31
Keywords | 量子色力学 / カラーグラス凝縮 / クォーク・グルーオン・プラズマ / 電磁カロリメータ / 前方物理 / LHC 加速器 / ALICE 実験 / シリコン検出器 |
Outline of Annual Research Achievements |
2022 年度は、TDR (Technical Design Report) 策定に向けて、日本グループが FoCal検出器の試作器を製作し、その性能評価実験を様々な加速器を用いて行なった。
まず日本グループとグルノーブルLPSC と共同でFoCal-E pad 試作器を製作した。その後、本試作器のテストビーム実験を、CERN PS 加速器のテストビームラインを用いて実施した。その結果、電子ビーム 1-2 GeV/c でおおむね所定性能を有していることを確認するとともに、4GeV/c 以上からTOT による読出しを必要とすることが分かった。続いてCERN SPS(Super Proton Synchrotron)が供する高エネルギー・ハドロンビーム及び電子ビームを使って実験を実施した。40-300 GeV/c 電子ビームに対するエネルギー分解能や、20-350GeV/c ハドロンビームを使った最小電離粒子 MIP (Minimum Ionizing Paricle) に対する応答の評価した。その結果、所定の性能を有していることが分かった。3月には、理研 RANS を利用して、シリコンパッドセンサの2回目の中性子照射試験もおこなった。さらに 2 月では、東北大学 ELPH においてテストビーム実験を行った。FoCal-E PAD のバイアス電圧依存性・温度依存性の測定、およびn-type シリコンセンサーの中性子照射による影響を調べた。その結果、温度によらずほぼ一定の位置にMIP ピークが観測され、55°C 程度の環境下までなら、温度によらず同性能を持つことが分かった。これらの結果は、LHCC 国際委員会に提出する TDR に反映される。2023年1月、中條は FoCal プロジェクトの共同代表を務めることとなった。
Current Status of Research Progress |
Current Status of Research Progress
2: Research has progressed on the whole more than it was originally planned.
試作器を製作し、その性能評価実験を行い、所定の性能を有していることが確かめられた。これは建設に向けた大きな進展である。さらに本代表は、 FoCal プロジェクトの共同代表を務め、本国際プロジェクトをリードしている。国内外の発表においても、本グループが主導しており、国際ワークショップも3月に主催した。
Strategy for Future Research Activity |
2022年に行なった様々な実験結果を評価し、Technical Design Report (TDR) にまとめ、LHCC 国際委員会に提出し、2023年度末における承認を目指す。同時に、得られた結果を投稿論文としてまとめる。FoCal 日本グループのさらなる拡大を進め、日本が主導する国際プロジェクトとしての地位なものにする。その上で、最終試作器の製作、マスプロダクションの準備を進める。
[Journal Article] Measurement of anti-3He nuclei absorption in matter and impact on their propagation in the Galaxy2022
The ALICE collaboration, S. Acharya, T. Chujo, T. Hachiya, M. Inaba, Y. Miake, N. Novitzky, K. Oyama, M. Shimomura, T. Sugitate, et al.
Journal Title
Nature Physics
Volume: 19
Pages: 61~71
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Multiplicity dependence of charged-particle jet production in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV2022
The ALICE collaboration, S. Acharya, T. Chujo, T. Hachiya, M. Inaba, Y. Miake, N. Novitzky, K. Oyama, M. Shimomura, T. Sugitate, et al.
Journal Title
The European Physical Journal C
Volume: 82
Pages: 514
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Measurement of beauty production via non-prompt D0 mesons in Pb-Pb collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 5.02 TeV2022
The ALICE collaboration, S. Acharya, T. Chujo, T. Hachiya, M. Inaba, Y. Miake, N. Novitzky, K. Oyama, M. Shimomura, T. Sugitate, et al.
Journal Title
Journal of High Energy Physics
Volume: 12
Pages: 126
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] First study of the two-body scattering involving charm hadrons2022
The ALICE collaboration, S. Acharya, T. Chujo, T. Hachiya, M. Inaba, Y. Miake, N. Novitzky, K. Oyama, M. Shimomura, T. Sugitate, et al.
Journal Title
Physical Review D
Volume: 106
Pages: 052010
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Forward rapidity J/psi production as a function of charged-particle multiplicity in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 5.02 and 13 TeV2022
The ALICE collaboration, S. Acharya, T. Chujo, T. Hachiya, M. Inaba, Y. Miake, N. Novitzky, K. Oyama, M. Shimomura, T. Sugitate, et al.
Journal Title
Journal of High Energy Physics
Volume: 06
Pages: 015
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Neutral to charged kaon yield fluctuations in Pb-Pb collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 2.76 TeV2022
The ALICE collaboration, S. Acharya, T. Chujo, T. Hachiya, M. Inaba, Y. Miake, N. Novitzky, K. Oyama, M. Shimomura, T. Sugitate, et al.
Journal Title
Physics Letters B
Volume: 832
Pages: 137242~137242
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Production of light (anti)nuclei in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 5.02 TeV2022
The ALICE collaboration, S. Acharya, T. Chujo, T. Hachiya, M. Inaba, Y. Miake, N. Novitzky, K. Oyama, M. Shimomura, T. Sugitate, et al.
Journal Title
The European Physical Journal C
Volume: 82
Pages: 289
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Observation of a multiplicity dependence in the p_T-differential charm baryon-to-meson ratios in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV2022
The ALICE collaboration, S. Acharya, T. Chujo, T. Hachiya, M. Inaba, Y. Miake, N. Novitzky, K. Oyama, M. Shimomura, T. Sugitate, et al.
Journal Title
Physics Letters B
Volume: 829
Pages: 137065~137065
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] KS0-KS0 and KS0-K+- femtoscopy in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 5.02 and 13 TeV2022
The ALICE collaboration, S. Acharya, T. Chujo, T. Hachiya, M. Inaba, Y. Miake, N. Novitzky, K. Oyama, M. Shimomura, T. Sugitate, et al.
Journal Title
Physics Letters B
Volume: 833
Pages: 137335~137335
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Characterizing the initial conditions of heavy-ion collisions at the LHC with mean transverse momentum and anisotropic flow correlations2022
The ALICE collaboration, S. Acharya, T. Chujo, T. Hachiya, M. Inaba, Y. Miake, N. Novitzky, K. Oyama, M. Shimomura, T. Sugitate, et al.
Journal Title
Physics Letters B
Volume: 834
Pages: 137393~137393
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Investigating charm production and fragmentation via azimuthal correlations of prompt D mesons with charged particles in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 13 TeV2022
The ALICE collaboration, S. Acharya, T. Chujo, T. Hachiya, M. Inaba, Y. Miake, N. Novitzky, K. Oyama, M. Shimomura, T. Sugitate, et al.
Journal Title
The European Physical Journal C
Volume: 82
Pages: 335
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Measurement of prompt $D_s+ meson production and azimuthal anisotropy in Pb-Pb collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 5.02TeV2022
The ALICE collaboration, S. Acharya, T. Chujo, T. Hachiya, M. Inaba, Y. Miake, N. Novitzky, K. Oyama, M. Shimomura, T. Sugitate, et al.
Journal Title
Physics Letters B
Volume: 827
Pages: 136986~136986
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Prompt D0, D+, and D*+ production in Pb-Pb collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 5.02 TeV2022
The ALICE collaboration, S. Acharya, T. Chujo, T. Hachiya, M. Inaba, Y. Miake, N. Novitzky, K. Oyama, M. Shimomura, T. Sugitate, et al.
Journal Title
Journal of High Energy Physics
Volume: 01
Pages: 174
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] General balance functions of identified charged hadron pairs of pi,K,p in Pb-Pb collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 2.76 TeV2022
The ALICE collaboration, S. Acharya, T. Chujo, T. Hachiya, M. Inaba, Y. Miake, N. Novitzky, K. Oyama, M. Shimomura, T. Sugitate, et al.
Journal Title
Physics Letters B
Volume: 833
Pages: 137338~137338
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Measurements of the groomed and ungroomed jet angularities in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 5.02 TeV2022
The ALICE collaboration, S. Acharya, T. Chujo, T. Hachiya, M. Inaba, Y. Miake, N. Novitzky, K. Oyama, M. Shimomura, T. Sugitate, et al.
Journal Title
Journal of High Energy Physics
Volume: 05
Pages: 061
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] olarization of Lambda$ and Lambda-bar Hyperons along the Beam Direction in Pb-Pb Collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 5.02 TeV2022
The ALICE collaboration, S. Acharya, T. Chujo, T. Hachiya, M. Inaba, Y. Miake, N. Novitzky, K. Oyama, M. Shimomura, T. Sugitate, et al.
Journal Title
Physical Review Letters
Volume: 128
Pages: 172005
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Hypertriton Production in p-Pb Collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 5.02 TeV2022
The ALICE collaboration, S. Acharya, T. Chujo, T. Hachiya, M. Inaba, Y. Miake, N. Novitzky, K. Oyama, M. Shimomura, T. Sugitate, et al.
Journal Title
Physical Review Letters
Volume: 128
Pages: 252003
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Study of very forward energy and its correlation with particle production at midrapidity in pp and p-Pb collisions at the LHC2022
The ALICE collaboration, S. Acharya, T. Chujo, T. Hachiya, M. Inaba, Y. Miake, N. Novitzky, K. Oyama, M. Shimomura, T. Sugitate, et al.
Journal Title
Journal of High Energy Physics
Volume: 08
Pages: 086
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Production of K$*(892)0 and phi(1020) in pp and Pb-Pb collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 5.02 TeV2022
The ALICE collaboration, S. Acharya, T. Chujo, T. Hachiya, M. Inaba, Y. Miake, N. Novitzky, K. Oyama, M. Shimomura, T. Sugitate, et al.
Journal Title
Physical Review C
Volume: 106
Pages: 034907
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Direct observation of the dead-cone effect in quantum chromodynamics2022
The ALICE collaboration, S. Acharya, T. Chujo, T. Hachiya, M. Inaba, Y. Miake, N. Novitzky, K. Oyama, M. Shimomura, T. Sugitate, et al.
Journal Title
Volume: 605
Pages: 440~446
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Measurement of K*(892)+- production in inelastic pp collisions at the LHC2022
The ALICE collaboration, S. Acharya, T. Chujo, T. Hachiya, M. Inaba, Y. Miake, N. Novitzky, K. Oyama, M. Shimomura, T. Sugitate, et al.
Journal Title
Physics Letters B
Volume: 828
Pages: 137013~137013
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Inclusive, prompt and non-prompt J/psi production at midrapidity in p-Pb collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 5.02 TeV2022
The ALICE collaboration, S. Acharya, T. Chujo, T. Hachiya, M. Inaba, Y. Miake, N. Novitzky, K. Oyama, M. Shimomura, T. Sugitate, et al.
Journal Title
Journal of High Energy Physics
Volume: 06
Pages: 011
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Investigating the role of strangeness in baryon-antibaryon annihilation at the LHC2022
The ALICE collaboration, S. Acharya, T. Chujo, T. Hachiya, M. Inaba, Y. Miake, N. Novitzky, K. Oyama, M. Shimomura, T. Sugitate, et al.
Journal Title
Physics Letters B
Volume: 829
Pages: 137060~137060
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Production of Lambda and K0s in jets in p-Pb collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 5.02 TeV and pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV2022
The ALICE collaboration, S. Acharya, T. Chujo, T. Hachiya, M. Inaba, Y. Miake, N. Novitzky, K. Oyama, M. Shimomura, T. Sugitate, et al.
Journal Title
Physics Letters B
Volume: 827
Pages: 136984~136984
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Exploring the N-Lambda N-Sigma coupled system with high precision correlation techniques at the LHC2022
The ALICE collaboration, S. Acharya, T. Chujo, T. Hachiya, M. Inaba, Y. Miake, N. Novitzky, K. Oyama, M. Shimomura, T. Sugitate, et al.
Journal Title
Physics Letters B
Volume: 833
Pages: 137272~137272
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Nuclear modification factor of light neutral-meson spectra up to high transverse momentum in p-Pb collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 8.16 TeV2022
The ALICE collaboration, S. Acharya, T. Chujo, T. Hachiya, M. Inaba, Y. Miake, N. Novitzky, K. Oyama, M. Shimomura, T. Sugitate, et al.
Journal Title
Physics Letters B
Volume: 827
Pages: 136943~136943
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research
[Journal Article] Global polarization of Lambda and Lambda-bar hyperons in Pb-Pb collisions at sqrt(s_NN) = 2.76 and 5.02 TeV (erratum)2022
The ALICE collaboration, S. Acharya, T. Chujo, T. Hachiya, M. Inaba, Y. Miake, N. Novitzky, K. Oyama, M. Shimomura, T. Sugitate, et al.
Journal Title
Physical Review C
Volume: 105
Pages: 029902
Peer Reviewed / Open Access / Int'l Joint Research