Research Abstract |
In this research, cement hydration system, hardening process of hardened cement, and volume change phenomenon such as Young's modulus, Poisson' =s ratio, drying shrinkage thermal expansion coefficient, creep, are evaluated from a thermodynamic approach. For this purpose, degree of hydration of each minerals in cement, phase composition of cement paste with different cement, w/c ratio, and curing condition are collected experimentally and at the same time, compressive strength, Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, vapor sorption isotherm, thermal expansion coefficient, autogenous shrinkage, drying shrinkage, tensile creep, and heat conduction are measured. As the rate problem, rate of hydration model for Portland cement is proposed based on the above mentioned experimental data, and phase composition model is also proposed. In addition, physical properties of hardened cement paste is evaluated from phase composition of hardened cement paste, life span simulation system based on cement hydration is developed. In future study, interaction between aggregate and cement paste is discussed and modeled for concrete engineering problem.