Research Abstract |
We talked the research results on the transcendental special solutions to the two dimensional degenerate Garnier system and four dimensional Painleve type equations at Math.Society of Japan (Mar.2010, Sept.2010, Mar.2011, Sept.2011, Mar.2012, Sept.2012, Sep. 2013.) (b) Papers published/submitted. (1) K. Kaneko, Local expansion of Painleve VI transcendents around a fixed singularity, J.Math.Phys. 50 (2009) 013531-1-24. (2) K.Kaneko, Symmetric solutions for the two dimensional degenerate Garnier system G(5), Proc.Japan Acad.Ser.A,Math.Sci., 87 (2011), 114-118. (3) K.Kaneko and Y.Ohyama, Meromorphic Painleve transcendents at a fixed singularity, Math. Nachr. 286 (2013), 861-875. (4) Symmetric solutions to the four dimensional degenerate Painleve type equation NYA4, J.Nonl.Math.Phys. 21.No. 3 (Sept.2014), 357-370. (5) K.Kaneko, Special solutions and linear monodromy for the two dimensional degenerate Garnier system G(1112), submitted to SIGMA.