Research Abstract |
Several hundred human channel/transporter genes reportedly haveconnections with nervous diseases or other diseases, including cancer . In recent years, many kinds ofpolyclonal and/or monoclonal antibodies to channel/transporters have been developed. Using theseantibodies, development of radiolabeled antibodies suitable for diagnosis and treatment has beenanticipated. We planned to develop a neutral-amino-acid transporter imaging agent as a radiolabeledantibody targeting L-type amino acid transporter 1 (LA T1), which is expressed in many kinds of tumor .For the evaluation of this radiolabeled antibody , we used nude mice transplanted with cells from theDLD-1 human colorectal cancer cell line. Expressions of proteins, such as the amino acid transporterand its chaperone-like proteins (4F2hc, LA T1, LA T2, LA T3, LA T4, A T A1, A T A2, ASCT1, ASCT2,MCT8, T A T1, and B0A T1), were examined using an established method with real-time polymerase chainreaction. The new monoclonal antibody for immunohistochemical analysis was evaluated using theDLD-1 transplanted nude mice after125I-rabeling. This antibody was able to detect the LA T1 protein ofthe internality level with tumor tissue sections in immunohistochemical analysis, but was not suitable forin vivo tumor detection, most likely because the antibody specifically associates with the N-endnear-field region of the human LA T1 protein. We are planning in vivo imaging using antibody againsthuman CD98 (4F2hc).