Research Abstract |
In the pastoral regions, there are disparity of livestock distribution due to difference of ecological and social factors, which often caused rangeland degradation. For instance, if there were a good rangeland away from a market or a large city, such rangeland should be less used due to its inconvenience. Thus this study aims to clarify the mechanism of livestock distribution in the Tibetan cultural area from the viewpoint of ecological and social conditions, and to propose appropriate management of mountain resources. I set two study sites in Xianggelila county of Yunnan province, China and Ladakh region of Jammu & Kashmir state, India. Thevillagers of these two area mainly lives on mixed agriculture in mountain region. I haveselected a village for detailed investigation in respective study sites, and made research onTheir agriculture, daily lives and resource managements. In the village of Xianggelila county, there was a change of villagers livelihoods due to improvement of accessibili
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ty from cities, which caused decline of mobile grazing practice. InXianggelila county, most resources for grazing are located on the alpine rangeland abovealtitude of 4, 000m, however, such plentiful resources were gradually less used due todecline of mobile pastoralism. On the other hand, livestock tended to grazed around the villages located at relatively lower altitude, thus scant grazing resources around thevillages were heavily used. In the village of Ladakh region, there has been a great tendency of migration from thevillage to the central city Leh, thus mobile pastoralism has been gradually declined due tolabor shortage. Though grazing resources are located at the higher part of mountain slopealso in the Ladakhy villages, such good resources are seldom used in the present days. This tendency is common in the cultivation sector. The higher part of the village have a muchfield of cultivation, however, such fields are abandoned due to labor shortage. On the otherhands, the lower fields are intensively cultivated due to relatively warm climate and goodaccessibility. There are a confliction among hamlets of the village over property for such lower fields. These case shows that difference of environmental and social factors cause a disparityof resource use inmountain regions, which often caused degradation or confliction. Especially, the factor of verticality should have a much effect on the villagers practice. Therefore, it should be considered actual distribution of resource use and its mechanisms. Less