Research Abstract |
Since our experimental studies on animal models for hypertension and stroke indicate that these cardiovascular diseases can be greatly affected by nutritional factors and be prevented even in genetically-predisposed animal models, we have analyzed epidemiologically the relationship between dietary factors and cardiovascular diseases in various communities where dietary customs were greatly different from each other to test the applicability of our experimental findings to the nutritional prevention of cardiovascular diseases in man. This comparative study is characterized with its global nature, application of objective methods to measure blood pressure and of biological markers to evaluate dietary intakes of Na, K, animal and vegetable proteins, and fatty acids as well as the measurement of all samples by well-standardized techniques at one laboratory. Study populations were 5 communities with population size over 2000 in Beijing, Shijiazhuang, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Lhasa in People's
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Republic of China, from which healthy males and females, 30 in total, at the age of 50-54 were randomly selected for 24-hour urine collection by aliquot cups, blood pressure measurement by an automated blood pressure measurement system, blood sampling and anthropometric measurements. Blood and urine samples were kept frozen and shipped to our analysis center, where electrolytes and amino acids in the urine were analyzed flamephotometrically and by an amino acid analyzer. The average blood pressure in males and females were widely varied, higher in Beijing (137/92, 140/84), Lhasa (135/90, 148/95) and Shijiazhuang (133/81, 131/79), and lower in Shanghai (109/65, 120/67) and Guangzhou (108/67, 105/64). Urinary salt excretion was generally higher 13-15 g per day except for Guangzhou with the excretion of 5.7 g. Coefficients of correlation of systolic and diastolic blood pressure with urinary Na (r=0.789, 0.652) or Na/K ratio (r=0.572, 0.444) were not significant but those with taurine/creatinine (r=-0.866, -0.815) or taurine/3-methylhistidine ratio (-0.871, -0.882) were significant, thus indicating the blood pressure lowering effect of dietary taurinecontaining protein such as fish meal in the Chinese populations, as previously proved by our experimental studies. Less