Research Abstract |
1. The set of attainable grammars is to be characterized, not in terms of the properties of adult grammars alone, as in Chomsky's theory, but in terms of developmental laws that make crucial reference to the properties of the grammars at the intermediate stages of language acquisition, as in Kajita's (1977) dynamic model. 2. The superiority of the dynamic model is demonstrated by detailed investigations of various constructions and subconstructions in Modern English ranging over sentential complementation, relativization, coordination, parenthetical formation, nominal constructions, adjectival constructions and degree expressions. Further support is given by case studies in lexicomorphology, phonology, semantics, pragmatics, language acquisition, and historical syntax. 3. The extension of a basic form into a derivative form on the basis of a certain existing model is governed by developmental laws such as 'resolution of head-nonhead conflict', 'localization by extraction-insertion-deletion', 'realization of potential meaning', and 'expansion due to syntactico-semantic overlap'. 4. The developmental laws established on the basis of relatively peripheral phenomena can be fruitfully utilized in dealing with more central issues involving, for example, the notion of 'syntactic category', so-called Case relations, and anaphora. 5. The selection and organization of language-teaching materials can be improved in light of the basic-derivative relation determined by the developmental laws.