Research Abstract |
1. Classification of Plagiothecium and its related genera. It was concluded that the genus Isopterygium should be divided into two genera, based on gemmae, pseudoparaphyllia, location of rhizoids, chromosome numbers, sexuality, et al. A new genus, Pseudotaxiphyllum was proposed. A monograph of Isopterygium and related genera will be published soon. 2.Cytotaxonomy of Plagiothecium and related genera. Chromosome numbers of 28 taxa were reported. Among them chromosome numbers of 17 taxa were newly reported. Many numbers of previous reports were corrected based on observations of mchromosomes. Chromosome numbers are quite uniform in each section of Plagiothecium. 3. Classification of Glossadelphus. Many specimens, including the type specimens, from various herbaria of the world were carefully examined Among 41 species described from Asia Many species should be reduced to the synonymy, and we confirmed 14 species from the area. A monographic work of the genus will be published soon. 4. Studies on the genus Gollania. A key to the species of Japanese Gollania was prepared. Gollania demaretii from Africa should be excluded from the genus Gollaia, and proposed a new combination, Chrysohypnum demaretii. 5. Study of Taxiphyllopsis. A new genus, Taxiphyllopsis was proposed based on a specimen collected from the limestone areas of Yamaguchi-ken and Kochi-ken, Japan. 6. Cultures of mosses in water. Several mosses such as Hyphum plumaeforme, Gollania japonica, G. varians, G. ruginosa, Drepanocladus fluitans and its variety kutcharokensis, Amblystegium riparium, Pohlia flexuosa, Bryum capillare, Trachycystis microphylla, and Macromitrium gymnostomum were cultured submerged in water to study variations of some taxonomically important chracters.