[Publications] Mishima,Y.: Transactions of Am.Nucl.Soc.53. 33-34 (1986)
[Publications] Mishima,Y.: Exploration of the possibility of high let radiation for non-conventional radiotherapy in cancer. 396. 37-54 (1986)
[Publications] Hayashibe,K.: J.Invest.Dermatol.87. 89-94 (1986)
[Publications] Hayashibe,K.: Proc.Jpn.Soc.Invest.Dermatol.10. 85-86 (1986)
[Publications] Hatta,S.: Proc.Jpn.Soc.Invest.Dermatol.10. 87-88 (1986)
[Publications] Fukuda,H.: Int.J.Radiat.Biol.51. 167-175 (1987)
[Publications] Natali,P.: J.Invest.Dermatol.85. 340-346 (1985)
[Publications] Hirabayashi,Y.: Biochemica et Biophysica Acta. 875. 126-128 (1986)
[Publications] Gunji,Y.: Jpn.J.Cancer Prs.77. 595-601 (1986)
[Publications] Sakiyama,H.: Cell Struct.Funct.
[Publications] Uchiyama,K.: Jpn.J.Cancer Res.
[Publications] Saito,H.: Cancer Res.
[Publications] Ichihashi,M.: Proc.Jap.Soci.Invest Dermatol.
[Publications] Kanda,K.: Trans.Am.Nucl.Soc.53. 26-27 (1986)
[Publications] 古林徹: 第21回京都大学原子炉実験所学術講演会要旨集. 67-71 (1987)
[Publications] Tada,N.: Immunogenetics. 24. 275-277 (1986)
[Publications] 玉置憲一: 医学のあゆみ. 136. 393-399 (1986)
[Publications] Hashimoto,K.: Brit.J.Dermatol.115. 205-209 (1986)
[Publications] Mishima,Y.: "Boron-Neutron Capture Therapy for Tumors(Experimental treatment of malignant melanomaーClinically and pathologically confirmed cure by neutron capture therapy using melanogenesis-seeking compounds)" Nishimura Co.,Ltd.,Niigata, 463 (1986)
[Publications] Mishima,Y.: "Neutron Capture Therapy(Prerequisites of first clinical trial for melanoma selective thermal neutron capture therapy)" Nishimura Co.,Ltd.,Niigata, 449 (1986)
[Publications] Ichihashi,M.: "Neutron Capture Therapy(Selective lethal effects of 【^10B-1】-para-boronophenylalaine on mouse and human melanoma cells in thermal neutron capture therapy enhanced by tyrosine and phenylalaine deficiency." Nishimura Co.,Ltd.,Niigata, 449 (1986)
[Publications] Hatta,S.: "Neutron Capture Therapy(Selective affinity of 【^10B-1】-paraboronophenylalanine・HCl to malignant melanoma:in relation to thermal neutron capture therapy" Nishimura Co.,Ltd.,Niigata, 449 (1986)
[Publications] Hiratsuka,J.: "Neutron Capture Therapy(RBC of thermal neutron capture therapy of malignant melanoma using 【^10B-1】-para-boronophenylalanine(【^(10)B】-BPA)in comparison with 9MeV electron beam irradiation" Nishimura Co.,Ltd.,Niigata, 449 (1986)
[Publications] Karashima,H.: "Neutron Capture Therapy(Clinical dosimetry using human phantom with skelton bone for thermal neutron capture therapy)" Nishimura Co.,Ltd.,Niigata, 449 (1986)
[Publications] Ichihashi,M.: "Boron-Neutron Capture Therapy for Tumors(Melanoma-specific lethal and potentially lethal damage of 【^10B-1】-para-boronophenylanine in the thermal neutron capture therapy)" Nishimura Co.,Ltd.in Niigata, 463 (1986)
[Publications] Utsumi,H.: "Neutron Capture Therapy(Potentially lethal damage repair of B-16 melanoma cells pretreated with 【^10B-1】-para-boronophenylanine after exposure to thermal neutron radiation)" Nishimura Co.,Ltd.in Niigata, 449 (1986)
[Publications] Kobayashi,T.: "Neutron Capture Therapy(Measurement of Boron-10 Concentrations and Its Location in Phantom by Prompt Gamma-ray Spectroscopy)" Nishimura Co.,Ltd.in Niigata, 449 (1986)
[Publications] Kanda,K.: "Neutron Capture Therapy(Progress in Physics for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy)" Nishimura Co.,Ltd.in Niigata, 449 (1986)
[Publications] Aoki,K.: "Neutron Capture Therapy(Fine Neutron Distributions in a Phantom for Beam Neutrons)" Nishimura Co.,Ltd.in Niigata, 449 (1986)
[Publications] Ujeno,Y.: "Neutron Capture Therapy(Enhancement of the killing Effect of Thermal Neutron on Cancer Cells by Boron-10 Compound)" Nishimura Co.,Ltd.in Niigata, 449 (1986)
[Publications] Yoshino,K.: "Neutron Capture Therapy(Chemical assay of boron and its distribution in melanoma-bearing subjects)" Nishimura Co.,Ltd.in Niigata, 449 (1986)
[Publications] 玉置憲一: "免疫科学第3巻免疫担当細胞(免疫担当細胞の種類と分化)" 岩波書店, 309 (1986)
[Publications] Jimbow,K.: "Structure and Function of Melanin Vol.3,1986(Ultrastrucural Characteristics and Kinetics of Tyrosinase of Cultured Human Melanocytes" Fuji-Shoin Co.,Ltd.in Sapporo, 122 (1986)