[Publications] I,Michiyoshi: Int.J,Heat Mass Transfer. 29. 689-702 (1986)
[Publications] I.Michiyoshi: Heat Transfer in High Technology and Power Engineering,Wen-Jei Yang and Y,Mori編 Hemisphere Pub,Corp.202-211 (1987)
[Publications] 高橋修: 第24回日本伝熱シンポジウム講演論文集. (1987)
[Publications] Y.Kikuchi: Transactions of The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan. 26. 576-581 (1986)
[Publications] 菊地義弘: 第24回日本伝熱シンポジウム講演論文集. (1987)
[Publications] 熊谷哲: 日本機械学会論文集,B編. 52. 151-158 (1986)
[Publications] 広野洋一: 第23回日本伝熱シンポジウム講演論文集. 163-165 (1986)
[Publications] Y,Hirono: JSME International Journal. (1987)
[Publications] 島田了八: 第24回日本伝熱シンポジウム講演論文集. (1987)
[Publications] K,Okuyama: Bulletin of JSME. 29. 2122-2130 (1986)
[Publications] Y,Kozawa: Heat Transfer,1986(Proc.,8th International Heat Transfer Conference). 4. 2007-2012 (1986)
[Publications] 井上多加志: 第23回日本伝熱シンポジウム講演論文集. 244-246 (1986)
[Publications] Y,Katto: Int.J,Heat Mass Transfer. (1987)
[Publications] 横谷定雄: 第24回日本伝熱シンポジウム講演論文集. (1987)
[Publications] 細谷浩司: 第14回ガスタービン定期講演会論文集. 45-50 (1986)
[Publications] 笠木伸英: 日本機械学会論文集,B編. (1987)
[Publications] N,Kasagi: Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow in Rotating Machinery,W.J.Yang編,Hemisphere Pub,Corp.103-112 (1986)
[Publications] K,Hosoya: 1987 Tokyo International Gas Turbine Congress. (1987)
[Publications] R,Echigo: Heat Transfer,1986(Proc.,8th International Heat Transfer Conference). 2. 827-832 (1986)
[Publications] 吉澤善男: 日本機械学会論文集,B編. 52. 1940-1944 (1986)
[Publications] 吉澤善男: 日本機械学会論文集,B編. 52. 3587-3593 (1986)
[Publications] 吉澤善男: 日本機械学会論文集,B編. 53. (1987)
[Publications] S,Koda: Combustion Science and Technology. 47. 165-176 (1986)
[Publications] T,Takeno: Combustion and Flame. 64. 83-98 (1986)
[Publications] T,Iijima: Combustion and Flame. 65. 35-43 (1986)
[Publications] T,Takeno: Combustion and Flame. 66. 271-283 (1986)
[Publications] T,Takeno: AIAA,Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics Series,Dynamics of Reactive Systems Part I:Flames and Config.105. 246-262 (1986)
[Publications] 竹野忠夫: 省エネルギー. 39. 8-13 (1987)
[Publications] 辻廣: 日本バーナ研究会 会報. 52号. 1-9 (1986)
[Publications] I,Yamaoka: 21st International Symposium on Combustion. (1987)
[Publications] M,Hasatani: Circulating Fluidized Beds Technology. 417-422 (1985)
[Publications] M,Hasatani: Fluidization 【V】. 555-562 (1986)
[Publications] M,Hasatani: World Congress 【III】 of Chemical Engineering. 3. 520-523 (1986)
[Publications] 成瀬一郎: 化学工学論文集. (1987)
[Publications] N,Arai: 21st International Symposium on Combustion. (1987)