[Publications] 高木英典: 東京大学工学部総合試験所年報. 45. 107-112 (1986)
[Publications] 北沢宏一: Proceedings of the Joint Japan-China Seminar 【II】on Superconductivity, Sendai. 117-121 (1986)
[Publications] 内田慎一: Phase Transitions. B8. 95-128 (1987)
[Publications] 田島節子: Phys. Rew.B35. 696-703 (1987)
[Publications] 内田慎一: Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.26. L1-L2 (1987)
[Publications] 高木英典: Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.26. L123-L124 (1987)
[Publications] 内田慎一: Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.26. L151-L152 (1987)
[Publications] 岸尾光二: Chemistry Letters. 429-432 (1987)
[Publications] 高木英典: Proceedings of the 18th Internat. Conf. on phys. Semiconductors, Stockholm. (1987)
[Publications] 内田慎一: Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.26. (1987)
[Publications] 高木英典: Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.26. (1987)
[Publications] 神戸振作: Chemistry Letters. (1987)
[Publications] 斉木幸一朗: 東京大学工学部総合試験所年報. 45. 101-106 (1986)
[Publications] T.Ono;M.Kagawa;Y.Syono;M.Ikebe;Y.Muto: Plasma Chem. Plasma Process.,. (1987)
[Publications] H.Takeya;H.Takei;Y.Koike;T.Fukase;T.Shishido;N.Toyota;Y.Syono: Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.,in press. (1987)
[Publications] N.Kobayashi;K.Oh-ishi;T.Sasaoka;M.Kikuchi;T.Sasaki;S.Murase;K.Noto;Y.Syono;Y.Muto: Jpn.J.Appl.Phys.,. (1987)
[Publications] S.Ohshima: Japanese Journal of Applied Physics..25. 1336-1341 (1986)
[Publications] S.Ohshima: Japanese Journal of Applied Physics.
[Publications] T.Wakiyama.: Japanese Journal of Applied Physics.
[Publications] K.Yamaya: Physica. 143B. 237-239 (1986)
[Publications] H.Nakajima: Physica. 143B. 240-242 (1986)
[Publications] 木村薫: J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.55. 1810-1813 (1986)
[Publications] M.Tanaka;R.Yoshizaki;T.Sakudo;T.Suzuki: Physical Review. B33. 132 (1986)
[Publications] Y.Sakudo;H.Uwe: Phase Transitions. vol.8 No.2. 147 (1987)
[Publications] 佐藤正俊: J.Phys.C. 19. 3059-3067 (1986)
[Publications] 藤下豪司: J.Solid State Chem.
[Publications] 為ケ井強: Nuclean Instruments and Methods in phys. Research. A246. 801-805 (1986)
[Publications] 藤下豪司: J.Phys.C. 19. 3049-3057 (1986)
[Publications] 野村一成: Solid State Commun.57. 611-613 (1986)
[Publications] 松田祐司: J.Phys.C. 19. 6039-6052 (1986)
[Publications] 小野田雅重: J.Solid State Chem.
[Publications] 藤下豪司: Physica. 143B. 201-203 (1986)
[Publications] 松田祐司: Physica. 143B. 243-245 (1986)
[Publications] 小野田雅重: Synthetic Metals. 17. 947-952 (1986)
[Publications] 水貝俊治: Physica. 143B. 195-197 (1986)
[Publications] 野村一成: J.Phys.C. 19. L289-L292 (1986)
[Publications] C.Escribe-Filippini: Synthetic Metals. 17. 931-936 (1987)
[Publications] 野村一成: Physica. 143B. 117-119 (1986)
[Publications] 久保田弘: Synthetic Metals. 17. 941-946 (1987)
[Publications] 小野田雅重: J.Solid State Chem.
[Publications] 佐藤正俊: Physica. 143B. 90-94 (1986)
[Publications] 佐藤正俊: J.Phys.C.
[Publications] 佐藤正俊: J.Phys.C.
[Publications] 浴野稔一: Solid State Commun.
[Publications] 佐藤正俊: Solid State Commun.
[Publications] 社本真一: Solid Stete Commun.
[Publications] 浴野稔一: Solid State Commun.