Research Abstract |
In this research project, two application apparatuses of negative ion beam were developed, and negative-ion-beam techniques for film formation and crystallinity control were also developed by using these apparatuses. From invesigation in this project, many important results were obtained. A negative ion beam deposition system has been constructed by combination of a high-current heavy negative ion source (NIABNIS), which was already developed by the authors, a mass-separator, and a newly designed deceleration electrode and lens system. Thw deposition system could deliver a sufficient amount of negative ions with a quite low energy controlled precisely for film formation. Carbon films were prepared with a mass-separated pure C^- or C2^- ion beam at various beam energy for investigating properties of the film. The properties of carbon films, such as optical band gap, electrical resistivity, atomic adensity, and thermal conductivity, depend upon a negative-ion-beam energy and ion species.
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These dependencies were considered to result from an energy density. which is deposited to a local area of a substrate by ion beam, and from a displacement probability of the film by it, or from a binding state (electron configuration) ofion species. On the other hand, a negative ion implanter was also constructed. By using this implanter, fundamental properties such as ion projection range and distribution of implanted atoms for nagative ion implantation were confirmed to be predicted with the LSS's theory as well as for a conventional positive ion implantation. Then, a crystallinity of implanted layer formed by C^- ion beam was investigated. After annealing the layer at 925゜C during 20 minutes, BETA-SiC bond was formed in the layer. Electron detachment cross sections for heavy negative ion beams were investigated as an interaction of negative ions with gas particles. This phenomenon is fundamental and important for pure physics, and such information is also important for technology and is required for designing an apparatus of negative ion beam. Less