Research Abstract |
In order elucidate the characteristics of membrane enzymes in dry seeds, we first analyzed the characters of these enzymes in other plant organs. Namely, we analyzed the molecular forms and biosynthesis mechanmisms of cytochrome oxidase, F_1F_0ATPase, plasma membrane ATPase, and lipase in glyoxysomal membrane, using sweet potato tuberous roots, mung bean hypocotyls, and the endosperms of germinating castor bean seeds. In result, cytochrome oxidase, F_1ATPase, plasma membrane ATPase and lipase were shown to comprise 7, 6, 3 and i species, respectively, of subunits. We further prepared antibodies against the enzymes or subunits, analyzed the mechanismes of the synthesis, especially of the localization into the respective membrames, of the enzymes or subunits, and proposed the mechanisms for some of the enzymes and subunits. On the basis of these results and using the antibodies, the molecular forms of the enzymes or subunits dry seeds were investigayed. It was suggested that the subunit VI, a mitochondrially made subunit, and the subunit V group, cytoplasmically made subunits, of cytochrome oxidase are present in soluble forms without assembly with other subunits in dry seeds and that F_1ATPase is present in a form without associating with F_0 portion in dry seeds. No precise result was obtained concering the from of plasma membrane ATPase in dry seeds, because the antibody against the ATPase rease reacted only weakly to the antigen. Lipase in glyoxysomal emebrane was found to be not present in dry seeds and to be synthesized as seeds imbibed. We succeeded in isolating intact nuclei from dry seeds and thus comoared some properties of the nuclei with those of the nuclri isolated from germinating seeds. The muclei from dry seeds had no transcriptional activity and were denser and smaller than those from germinating seeds.