Research Abstract |
Based on the beneficial effect of charcoal hemoperfusion and PAS membrane hemodiafiltration on hipatic encephalopatlcy chiring fulnunant failure, it is hypothesizea that middle molecules CMMs, assumed molecular weight of 1,500-3,500 da(lns) respensible for hepatic coma occur in plasma of patients with fulnunaut hepatic failure (FHF). Although reveral attempts have been maac to isolate the MMs from patieuts plasma, they have been yet unsuccessful because there are so many uniaentifiable materials in the middle molecular range of human plasma, We have attempted to isolate and ideutify the MMs based on the assumption that they are peptides which accumulate in plasma and the brain during FHF. FHF was induced in Wister rats by 4 consecutive injections of dinuthyl nitrosamine. The rats with FHF and normal controls were injected with 50 or 250 Ci of ^3H-leucine, ^<14>C-leuine, ^3H-methionine, ^3H-tyrosine or ^3H-tryptophan intraperitoneally, Their blood and brains were collected 24 hours thereafter, The serum and 20% brain homogenates were analyzed with Sephadex G25 (SG25) chromatiograply, reverse phase high performance liguid chromatography (RPHPLC) and thin layer chromatographly (TLC), SG25 and RPHPLC isolated specific MMs incorporating ^3H-and ^<14>C-leuine, ^3H-methionine, ^3H-tryptophan from plasma and the brain of rats with FHF, Combinea SG25, RPHPLC and TLC purified the MM as a single radioactive material.