[Publications] 山本拓: 経済研究. 38. 97-109 (1988)
[Publications] 山本拓、国友直人: Economic Studies Quarterly. (1988)
[Publications] 国友直人: Annals of Institute of Statistical Mathematics. Vol.39. 575-591 (1987)
[Publications] 国友直人: Econometric Theory. Vol.4. 248-274 (1988)
[Publications] 国友直人: 経済学論集. 54. (1988)
[Publications] 国友直人、山本拓(共著): Economic Studies Quarterly. (1988)
[Publications] 山本拓: "「経済の時系列分析」" 創文社, 1988
[Publications] 和合肇: "「TSPによる経済データの分析」" 東京大学出版会, 1988
[Publications] 森棟公夫: "Econometric Theory" Higher Order Approximation to the Null Distributions of Test Statistics for Non-Linear Restrictions on Regression Coefficients, 1988 (Vol.4)
[Publications] 森棟公夫: "Discussion Paper No.255,Kyoto Institute of Economic Research,Kyoto University" Modified Three Stage and Two Stage Least Squares Estimators Which Are the Third Order Efficient, 1988
[Publications] 佃良彦: "Economic Studies Quarterly" Comparison of single equation methods of prediction in a simultaneous equation system, 1989
[Publications] 佃良彦 他: "Econometric Theory" Ancillarity and the limited information maximum likelihood estimation in a simultaneous equation system, 1987
[Publications] 佃良彦: "Discussion Paper No.80,Faculty of Economics,Tohoku University" The conditional asymptotic information loss of the limited information maximum likelihood estimator in a simultaneous equation system, 1988
[Publications] 佃良彦: "Discussion Paper No.81,Faculty of Economics,Tohoku University" The effects of Conditioning by an ancillary statistic on single equation estimators in a simultaneous equationsystem, 1988
[Publications] 林文夫: "Journal of Japanese and International Economies 2" Housing Finance Imperfections and National Saving : A Comparative Simulation Analysis of the U.S. and Japan, 1988
[Publications] 林文夫 他: "Economic Studies Quarterly" An Econometric Analysis of a Capital Gains Tax on Land, 1987
[Publications] 林文夫: "Unpublished Manuscript" Testing the Q Theory of Investment Against Credit Constaints : Evidence from Micro Data on Japanese Firms, 1987
[Publications] 和合肇: "Probability and Bayesian Statistics" A Predictive Density Criterion for Selecting Non-Nested Linear Models and Comparison with Other Criteria, 1987
[Publications] 和合肇: "Discussion Paper No.333,Institute of Socio-Economic Planning,University of Tsukuba" Mean Squared Errors of Forecast for Selecting Non-Nested Linear Models and Comparison with Other Criteria, 1988
[Publications] 斯波恒正: "富山大学経済学論集" 日本の貨幣需要関係の統計的推測, 1988
[Publications] 斯波恒正: "International Economic Review" Bayesian and Non-Bayesian Tests of Independence in Seemingly Unrelated Regression, 1988
[Publications] 斯波恒正: "Weltwietschaftliches Archiv." Price Smoothing and Demand Noise : On Business Behavior and Macromodels, 1989
[Publications] 斯波恒正: "富山大学経済学論集" Comparing Deimensionality Statistics for the VAR method, 1989
[Publications] 斯波恒正: "Working Paper No.96,Faculty of Economics,Toyama University" Statistical Inference of the Japanese Money Demand Functions, 1988
[Publications] 程島次郎: "Econometric Theory" Estimation of a single structuras equation with structural change, 1988 (Vol.4)
[Publications] 程島次郎: "Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference" Locally most powerful rank tests for regression under truncation, 1988 (Vol.18)
[Publications] 程島次郎: "Journal of American Statistical Association" The effect of trancation on the identifiability of regression coefficients, 1988 (Vol.83)
[Publications] 程島次郎: "南山経営研究" 線形回帰モデルのロバスト推定, 1988 ( 3)
[Publications] 程島次郎: "Working Paper,南山大学経済学部" Finite sample properties of the single equation estimators under structural change, 1988