[Publications] T.Komatsubara: "High-Spin States on the odd-odd ^<124>Cs nucleus" Zeitschrift fur Physik A.
[Publications] K.Heiguchi: "Beta decay of ^<89m>Tc and ^<89>Tc" Zeit.Phys.A.
[Publications] M.Oshima: "Electromagnetic fransition probabilities in the natural-parity rotational band of ^<173>Yb" Physical Review C. 40. 2084-2090 (1989)
[Publications] M.Oshima: "Rotational perturbation to the natural-parity rotational ban of ^<163>Dy" Physical Review C. 39. 645-651 (1989)
[Publications] M.Oshima: "Signature dependence of M1 and E2 transition probabilities for the i_<13/2> rotational band of ^<161>Dy" Physical Review C. 37. 2578-2584 (1988)
[Publications] E.Minehara: "Signature dependence observed for M1 transitions between rotational levels based on an f_<7/2> singleparticle state in ^<163>Dy" Physical Review C. 35. 858-860 (1987)
[Publications] T,Otsuka: "Proton-Neutron sdg Boson Model and spherical-Deformed Phase Transition" Physics Letters. 215B. 205-210 (1988)
[Publications] T.Otsuka: "Alpha Decay from Quandrupole-Octupole Collective States of Actinide Nuclei" J.Phys.Soc.Jpn.58. 530-537 (1989)
[Publications] N.Yoshida: "Signature Property of Odd-A Nuclei in the Interacting Boson-Fermion Model" Nuclear Physics. A503. 90-112 (1989)
[Publications] T.Marumori: "A Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Dissipative Collective Dynamics" Nucl.Phys.
[Publications] M.Matsuo: "Dissipative Mechanism of the Large Amplitude Collective Motion" Prog.Theor.Phys.82. 1084-1105 (1989)
[Publications] F.Sakata: "Breaking of Stability Condition for Dynamical Collective Subspace" Prog.Theor.Phys.82. 965-987 (1989)
[Publications] F.Sakata: "Master Equation in the Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Collective Dynamics" Ann.of Physics. 194. 30-64 (1989)
[Publications] K.Muramatsu: "Extraction of Dynamical Collective Subspace for Large Amplitude Collective Motion" Prog.Theor.Phys.80. 678-693 (1988)
[Publications] A.Ikeda: "Sphape Fluctuation as Responsible for Signature Inversion" Physical Review Letters. 63. 139-142 (1989)
[Publications] A.Ikeda: "Signature-inversion in Particle-triaxial Rotor System" Nuclear Physics A. 480. 85-103 (1988)
[Publications] K.Sugawara: "Thermal high spin giant dipole resonance in Er isotopes" Physics Letters B. 192. 268-272 (1987)
[Publications] K.Sugawara: "g-factors and backbending along the yrast in Er isotopes for A=158 to 170" Physics Letter B. 207. 243-248 (1988)
[Publications] T.Tanabe: "Extended thermal random phase approximation equation for nuclear collective excitation at finite temperature" Physical Review C. 37. 2802-2820 (1988)
[Publications] K.Sugawara: "The nuclear Meissner effect and superdeformation in the number-projected constrained-cranked HFB approach" Physics Letters B.
[Publications] S.Mizutori: "Octpole Vibrations Built on Superdeformed Rotational Bands" Progress of Theortical Physics. 83. (1990)
[Publications] N.Kato: "Effect of Heavy Ion Irradiation on Implanted Si Position Sensitive Detector" Nucl.Instr.& Meth.B.
[Publications] K.Yamada: "Coupling effect between quadrupole phonon and pairing vibration in odd-mass nuclei" Nuclear Physics. A480. 143-161 (1988)
[Publications] T.Takada: "Application of Dyson-typenon-unitary representation of the self-consistent collective-coordinate method to simple models,I.SU(3)model" Nuclear Physics. A485. 189-209 (1988)
[Publications] H.Thorn: "Application of the Dyson-type non-unitary representation of the self-consistent collective-coordinate method to simple models,II.0(4)model" Nuclear Physics. A486. 221-234 (1989)
[Publications] K.Takada: "Hermitian treatment of Dyson boson theory" Physical Review. C38. 2450-2452 (1988)
[Publications] K.Takada: "Dyson boson mapping theory including ground-state correlation" Nuclear Physics. A490. 262-274 (1988)
[Publications] K.Takada: "Microscopic study on the shape transition in the Sm isotopes,I.Effect of ground-state correlation" Nuclear Physics. A496. 224-238 (1989)
[Publications] K.Yamada: "Microscopic study on the shape phase transition in the Sm isotopes,II.Contribution from non-collective degrees of freedom" Nuclear Physics. A496. 239-254 (1989)
[Publications] K.Yamada: "Microscopic study on the shape phase transition in the Sm isotopes,III.E2 transitions" Nuclear Physics. A503. 53-64 (1989)
[Publications] S.E.Arnell: "The Nord Ball System Adapted for Spectroscopy of Nuclei far from Stability" Nuclear Physics in Nineties. (1990)
[Publications] S.Mitarai: "A Charged Particle Multiplicity Filter for Nuclidic Identification of the Specific Gamma Rays" Nuclear Instr.& Meth.A277. 491-496 (1989)
[Publications] S.Suematsu: "The Nuclear Structure of ^<83>Zr" Nuclear Physics. A485. 304-326 (1988)
[Publications] T.Kuroyanagi: "New Neutron-Deficient Isotopes ^<83>Nb and ^<85>Nb" Nuclear Physics. A484. 264-274 (1988)
[Publications] K.Heiguchi: "The States of ^<75>Se Populated by the Beta Decay of ^<73>Br" Nuclear Physics. A474. 484-498 (1987)
[Publications] K.Takabe: "Application of Dyson mapping to odd-mass nuclei" Nuclear Physics. A462. 561-575 (1987)
[Publications] H.Tsukuma: "Application of the Dyson boson mapping to the analysis of the phase transition at N=88-90" Nuclear Physics. A466. 70-84 (1987)
[Publications] K.Takada: "Biunitary representation of the selfconsistent collectivecoordinate method for large-amplitude collective motion" Nuclear Physics. A468. 11-28 (1987)
[Publications] 高田健次郎: "物理学最前線21「ダイソン型ボソン展開法」" 共立出版株式会社, 60 (1988)