[Publications] Gleadall,I.G.,T.Hariyama & Y.Tsukahara: "The visual pigment chromophres in the retina of insect compound eyes,with special reference to the coleoptera" J.Ins.Physiol. 35. 787-795 (1989)
[Publications] Tsukahara,Y.,I.Gleadall & T.Hariyama: "Gregarization in Locusta migratoria is related uncoupling of the circadian clock during develpoment." Neural Mechanisms of Behavior,(Ed.by Erber et al.Georg Thiemeverlag). 254 (1989)
[Publications] 塚原保夫、香坂昌紀: "清史稿「災異志」による清代大蝗の地理的分布" 応情研年報. 14. 93-100 (1989)
[Publications] Hariyama,T.,I.G.Gleadall, l.Liao,E.Gleadall & Y.Tsukahara: "Detalis of the Production of monoclonal antibodies to demonstrate the presence(in winter)of more than one type of opsin in the retinula cells of the crayfish,Procambarus clarkii Girard." 応情研年報. 14. 101-113 (1989)
[Publications] Tsujimoto,K.,M.Miyazaki,M.Ohashi,R.Hara,T.Hara & K.Ozaki: "Vision in Clockwise Photoisomerization" Nature.
[Publications] Tsujimoto,K.,K.Iida,M.Miyazaki,M.Ohashi, & M.Sheves: "Unusual Protein Shifts in Retinochrome Pigments" Photochem.Photobiol.
[Publications] Ozaki,K.,a.Terakita,M.Ozaki,R.Hara & T.Hara: "Structure and function of the retinal-binding protein from squid retina The 1st USSR-JAPAN Symposium on "Receptors:Structure and Function"." Moscow,USSR. (1989)
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[Publications] Sugahara,M.,Y.Kito et al.: "HPLC study o visual pigment in primitive eyes and seasonal variation of visual pigment chromophore of coastal fishes" Zool.Sci.6. 1085 (1989)
[Publications] Niwa,H.,T.Suzuki & J.Kohbana: "A visual pigment of the sturgeon retina" Experientia. 45. 140-141 (1989)
[Publications] Eguchi, E.,T.Seki & T.Suzuki: "Comparative studies of chromophore contents inside and outside the rhabdoms of arthropod" J.Comp.Physiol.A. 165. 589-604 (1989)
[Publications] Kimura,K.-I.,T.Tanimura & T.Shimozawa: "Mosaic fate mapping of the behavioral and the muscular defects induced by a Drosophila mutant,abnormal proboscis extension reflex C(aperC)" Zool.Sci.66. 659-666 (1989)
[Publications] Nagao,T.& T.Tanimura: "Simultaneous determination of biogenic amines,their procursors and metabolites in a single brain of the cricket using high performance liquid chromatography with amperometric detection" J.Chromatography. 486. 39-53 (1989)
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[Publications] 岩本昌之、篠沢隆雄: "生物教材としての細菌III:好熱性細菌からのDNAの抽出とそれを用いた形質転換" 科学教育研究. 13. 132-138 (1989)
[Publications] 須永智、篠沢隆雄: "トリ胚を用いた心拍に対する化学物質の作用の観察" 教材生物研究.
[Publications] Ohtsu,K.: "Flash-induced depression of the ERP under the Ca^2-free condition in the octopus retina" Zoo.Sci.6. 469-475 (1989)
[Publications] Ozaki,K.,A.Terakita.M.Ozaki,R.Hara & T.Hara: "Molecular structure of squid retinal-binding protein(II)" Zoo.Sci.6. 1083 (1989)
[Publications] Ishizaki,T.,M.Ozaki & K.Ozaki: "Light-and vitamin A-dependent synthesis of rhodopsin in the eye of Drosophila" Zoo.Sci.6. 1083 (1989)
[Publications] Terakita,A.,R.Hara,K.Ozaki,& T.Hara: "Retinol ligands of squid retinal-binding protein" (1989)
[Publications] Seidou,H.,M.Sugahara,H.Uchiyama,K.Hiraki,T.Hamanaka,M.Michinomae,K.Yoshihara & Y.Kito: "On the three visual pigments in the retina of the firefly squid,Watasenia scintillans" J.comp.Physiol.(1990)
[Publications] Seki,T.et al.: "Composition and distribution of retinal and 3-hydroxyretinal in the compound eye of the dragonfly" Exp.Biol.
[Publications] 関隆晴、鈴木龍夫: "無脊椎動物の視物質:発色団の多様性とその生物学的意義" 蛋白質・核酸・酵素.
[Publications] Seki,T., S. Fujishita,M.Ito, N.Matsuoka & K.Tsukida: "Retinsid composition in the compound eyes of insects" Exp.Biol.
[Publications] Abran,D.,Y.Kito et al.: "On some physicochemical properties of sucrose esters and the stability they confer to membrane proteins" J.Coll.Interface Sci.128. 230-236 (1989)
[Publications] Seidou M.,Y.Kito et al.: "On the three visual pigments in the eye of the firefly squid,Watasenia scintillans" J.Comp.Physiol.press. (1990)
[Publications] Sakairi S.,M.Yamamoto,K.Ohtsu & M.Yoshida: "Environmental control of gonadal maturation in labaoratory-reared sea urchins,Anthocidaris crassispina and Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus" Zool.Sci.6. 721-730 (1989)
[Publications] 大津浩三: "ヒドロ虫類カミクラゲの光感覚系における紫外光・可視光拮抗現象" Doubutsu seiri. 6. 32-40 (1989)
[Publications] Katagiri,N.,K.Hama,Y.Katagiri,Y.Shimatani,Y.Hashimoto & E.Aikawa: "High-voltage electron microscopic study on the axon of the dermal phootoreceptor cell in the dorsal mantle of Onchidium verruculatum" J.Electron microsc.39 (1990)
[Publications] Usukura,J.: "Cytoskeletal architecture of synaptic endings in the photoreceptor cells." Neurosci.Res.Suppl.10. 37-46 (1989)
[Publications] 臼倉治郎: "視覚の研究に重要な概念と技術-電子顕微鏡による形態的知見" 蛋白質・核酸・酵素. 34. 715-723 (1989)
[Publications] Isono.K.&H.Matsumoto: "ロドプシンの視細胞における発現機構-ショウジョウバエ視覚ミュ-タントからの意外な進展" 生物物理. 29. 18-22 (1989)
[Publications] Isono,K.: "ショウジョウバエ複眼の分子生物学" 蛋白質・核酸・酵素. 34. 26-33 (1989)
[Publications] 磯野邦夫他: "生体概日周期活動の長期自動記録とその解析システム" 応用情報学研究年報. (1990)
[Publications] 塚原保夫: "植物生理6" 視覚末梢抑制機構, 58-65 (1989)
[Publications] 塚原保夫: "生物物理のフロンティア(培風館)" 網膜での情報処理機構, (1989)
[Publications] 関隆春,鈴木龍夫: "蛋白質・核酸・酵素増刊号「視覚の分子メカニズム」34" 無脊椎動物の視物質:発色団の多様性とその生物学的意味, (1989)
[Publications] 鈴木龍夫: "代謝26" 視覚におけるレチノイドの役割, (1989)
[Publications] 谷村禎一: "『現代動物学の課題』7巻『行動』学会出版センタ-" 行動-神経系への分子遺伝的アプロ-チ,
[Publications] 谷村禎一: "昆虫の嗅覚の遺伝" 『匂いの科学』高木貞敬・渋谷達明き編,
[Publications] 曽我部正博,篠沢隆雄: "蛋白質・核酸・酵素34" cGMP依存性カチオンチャンネルの精製と再構成, (1989)
[Publications] 篠沢隆雄,福田潤: "新生化学実験講座第8巻細胞内情報と細胞応答" トランスデュ-シン,