[Publications] Y.Yoshii,K.Ishida,R.S.Stobie: Astron. J.94. 323-337 (1987)
[Publications] R.S.Stobie,K.Ishida: Astron. J.94. 624-633 (1987)
[Publications] T.Mikami,K.Ishida: Publ.Astrom. Soc.Japan. 39. 361-373 (1987)
[Publications] K.Ishida,R.Weinberger: Astron.Astrophys. 178. 227-236 (1987)
[Publications] M.Othman,K.Ishida: Proc. IAU Coll., Spriger-Verlag. 108. (1987)
[Publications] K.Ishida,Y.Yoshii,R.S.Stobie: Vistas in Astronomy (Proc. 4th Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting of the IAU). (1988)
[Publications] K.Ishida,M.Othman: Vistas in Astronoing (Proc. 4th Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting of the IAU). (1988)
[Publications] K.Ishida,R.S.Stobie: Proc. Third China-Japan Workshop on Galaxies. (1988)
[Publications] T.Kogure: Proc. Third China-Japan Workshop on Galaxies. (1988)
[Publications] T.Kogure,S.Yoshida,S.D.Wiramihardja,M.Nakano,K.Ogura: Proc. Third China-Japan Workshop on Galaxies. (1988)
[Publications] T.Kogure,S.Yoshida,M.Nakano,T.Tatematsu,Xing Jun,Xu Lanping: Vistas in Astronomy (Proc. Fourht Asion-Pacific Regional Meeting of the IAU). (1988)
[Publications] T.Kogure,S.Yoshida,S.D.Wiramihardja,M.Nakano,and K.Sakka: Memoir of Faculty of Science,Kyoto University,Series of Physics,Astronmy and Geophysics. (1988)
[Publications] S.Ichikawa S.Okamura K.Kodaira 他: Ann. ToKyo. Astron Obs. 2series. 21. 287-292 (1987)
[Publications] K.Kodaira S.Okamura A.Stockton: Publ.Astrou.Soc.Pacific. 99. 375-379 (1987)
[Publications] K.Kodaira M.Iye S.Okamura 他: Publ.Astron.Soc.Japan. (1988)
[Publications] S.Ichikawa S.Okamura K.Kodaira 他: Astron.J.(1988)
[Publications] H.Machara,T.Soyano: Annals Tokyo Astron Obs. 31. 293-310 (1987)
[Publications] H.Maehera,T.Sogano: Annals Tokyo Astron Obs. 21. 423-435 (1987)
[Publications] H.Maehara,S.Okamura,T.Noguchi,HeX.T.,Liu J.Y.,Huang,Y.W.,FensX.C.: Astron Astropkys. 178. 221-226 (1987)
[Publications] H.Maehara,T.Noguchi,B.Takase,and T.Handa: Publ Astron Soc Japan. 39. 393-410 (1987)
[Publications] H.Maehara,M.Hamabe,L.Bottinelli,L.Gougnenheim,J.Heidmann,B.Takase: Publ. Astron Soc Japan. 40. 47-67 (1988)
[Publications] Y.Sofue,W.Reich,M.Inoue,J.H.Seiradakis: Publ.Astrm. Soc.Japan. 39. 95-107 (1987)
[Publications] Y.Sofue,M.FUJIMOTO: Astrophys.J. Letters. 319. 73-76 (1987)
[Publications] Y.Sofue,T.Handa,M.Hayashi,N.Nakai: Proc. NASA Conf on ″Star Formation in Galaxies″,Caltech,Pasadena,eds. G.Newgebauer and N.Scoville,. 179-196 (1987)
[Publications] W.Reich,Y.Sofue,E.First: Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan. 39. 573-587 (1987)
[Publications] W.Reich,Y.Sofue,R.Wielebinski,J.H.Seiradakis: Astron. Astrophrgs. (1987)
[Publications] Y.Sofue,M.Fujimoto: Publ.Astron. Soc. Japan. 39. NO.6 (1987)
[Publications] Y.Sofue,R.Beck: Publ.Astron. Soc.Japan. 39. 541-546 (1987)
[Publications] Y.Sofue: Publ.Astron. Soc.Japan. 39. 547-557 (1987)
[Publications] S.Ichikawa,S.Okamura,N.Kaneko,M.Nishimura,K.Toyama: Publ.Astrom. Soc.Japan. 39. 411-424 (1987)
[Publications] S.Deguchi,R.Kawabe,N.Ukita,Y.Nakada,T.Onaka,H.Izumiura,S.Okamura: Astrophys.J.325. (1988)
[Publications] S.Okamura: Publ. Astron Soc. Pacific. (1988)
[Publications] Taniguchi,Y. Tamura,S.: Astronomy and Astrophysics. 181. 265-269 (1987)
[Publications] Tamura,S. Shaw,R.A: Publ.Astron.Soc.Pacific. 99. (1987)
[Publications] R.Elson,P.Hut,S.Inagaki: Ann.Rev.Astron.Astrophys.25. 565-601 (1987)
[Publications] S.Inagaki: Parity,December 1987.
[Publications] S.Inagaki: Proc. Fourth Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting of the IAU.
[Publications] S.Inagaki P.Hut: Proc. IAU Colloquium No.96.
[Publications] S.Inagaki: Proc.China-Japan Workshop on Galaxies at Chengde.
[Publications] M.Itoh,S.Inagaki,W.C.Saslaw: Astrophys.J.
[Publications] H.Murakami,K.Noguchi,T.Matsumoto,M.Noda,H.FuJisada,K.Hara,T.Sasase: Proceeding of the Workshop on Ground-Based Astronamical Obseruations with Infrared Array Detectors. 41-43 (1987)
[Publications] F.Makino 他: Ap.J.313. 662-623 (1987)
[Publications] T.Kato.H.Tabara,M.Inoue,K.Aizu: Nature. 329. 223-224 (1987)
[Publications] K.Tomisaka,S.Ikeuchi: Astrophys. Journal. 330. IN PRESS (1988)
[Publications] A.Hara,S.Ikeuchi: Astrophys. Journal. 325. IN PRESS (1988)
[Publications] S.Ikeuchi,C.A.Norman,Y.Zhan: Astrophys. Journal. 324. 35-45 (1988)
[Publications] M.Umemura,S.Ikeuchi: Astrophys. Journal. 319. 601-613 (1987)
[Publications] S.Yoshida,S.Ikeuchi: Astrophys. Journal. 323. L7-L11 (1987)