[Publications] Osaki, Y. eds. H.J.G.L.M. Lamers; C.W.H. de Loore: Instabilities in Luminous Early Type Stars (D.Reidel Publ. Co., Dordrecht). 39-54 (1987)
[Publications] Kambe, E.: Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan. 40. (1988)
[Publications] Osaki, Y. ed. K. Nomoto: Proc. IAU Colloq. 108; Atmospheric Diagnostics of Stellar Evolution.
[Publications] Shibahashi, H. eds. A.N. Cox, W.M. Sparks; S.G. Starrfield: Stellar Pulsation (Springer-Verlag, Berlin). 112-121 (1987)
[Publications] Sekii, T. eds. A.N. Cox, W.M. Sparks; S.G. Starrfield: Stellar Pulsation (Springer-Verlag, Berlin). 322-325 (1987)
[Publications] Shibahashi, H. ed. J. Christensen-Dalsgaard: Proc. IAU Symp. 123: Advdnces in Helio- and Asteroseismology (D. Reidel Publ. Co., Dordrecht). 133-136 (1988)
[Publications] Shibahashi, H.; ed J.P. Swings: Transactions of International Astronomical Union, Reports on Astronomy, ed. J.P. Swings (Commision No.35, ed.. D. Sugimoto)(D. Reidel Publ. Co., Dordrecht).
[Publications] Shibahashi, H.; ed K. Nomoto: Proc. IAU Colloq. 108: Atmospheric Diagnostics of Stellar Evolution (Springer-Verlag, Berlin).
[Publications] Ando, H.: Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan. 40. (1988)
[Publications] Ando, H.; ed K. Nonoto: Proc. IAU Colloq. 108 Atmospheric Diagnostics of Stellar Evolution (Springer-Verlag, Berlin).
[Publications] Onaka, T.; ed A. Leger, L.d′ Hendecourt and N. Boccara: Proc. of PAHs and Astrophysics (Reidel, Dordrecht). 213-214 (1987)
[Publications] Onaka, T.; eds. S. Kwok and S. R. Pottash: Proc. of Late Stage of Stellar Evolution (Reidel, Dordrecht). 97-100 (1987)
[Publications] Tokunaka, A.; eds. D.J. Hollenback and H.A. Thronson, Jr.: Summer School on Interstellar Processes: Abstracts of Contributed Papers, NASA Technical Mem. 88342. 115 (1987)
[Publications] Sakata, A.: Astrophys. J. (Letters). 320. L63-L67 (1987)
[Publications] Nakagiri, M.: Univ, of Tokyo, Tokyo Astron. Rep. (in Japanese). 21. 67-81 (1987)
[Publications] Nakada, Y.: Astrophys. J. (Letters). 323. L77-L80 (1987)
[Publications] Nagata, T.: Astrophy. J.(1988)
[Publications] Nakada, Y.; ed K. Nomoto: Proc. IAU Colloq. 108, Atmospheric Diagnostics of Stellar Evolution (Springer-Verlag, Berlin). (1988)
[Publications] Kodaira, K.: ISAS Report (in Japanese. (1988)
[Publications] Lee, U.: Stellar Pulsation A.N. Cox, W.M. Sparks, & S.G. Starrfield (Springer-Verlag, Berlin). 102-105 (1987)
[Publications] Unno, W.; eds. B.R. Durney & S. Sofia: The Internal Solar Angular Velocity (D. Reidel Publ. co., Dordrecht). 97-106 (1987)
[Publications] Saio, H.: Astrophys. J.328. (1988)
[Publications] Nakada, Y.: Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan.
[Publications] Deguchi, S.: Astrophys. J.(1988)
[Publications] Sakata, A.: Proc. of Workshop of Experiments on Cosmic Dust Analogues. (1988)
[Publications] Tanabe, T.: Proc. of Workshop of Experiments on Cosmic Dust Analogues. (1988)
[Publications] Nagata, T.; Eds C.G.Wynn-Williams & E.E.Becklin: Proc. Workshop on Ground-based Astronomical Observations with Infrared Array Detectors (Univ. of Hawaii, Institute for Astronomy). 422 (1987)
[Publications] Onaka, T.: Astron. Astrophys.(1988)
[Publications] Tokunaga, A.: Astrophys. J.(1988)
[Publications] Nakada, Y.; ed. K. Nomoto: Proc. IAU Colloq. 108, Atmospheric Diagnostics of Stellar Evolution (Springer-Verlag, Berlin). (1988)
[Publications] Nakada, Y.: Astron. Astrophys. (letters). (1988)
[Publications] Nagata. T.: Astrophys. J.(1988)
[Publications] Tokunaga, A.: Astrophys. J.(1988)
[Publications] Deguchi, S.: Astrophys. J.(1988)
[Publications] Nakada, Y.: Astrophys. J. (Ltters). 323. L77-L80 (1987)