Research Abstract |
This study was carried out to investigate whether or not the gene controlling the susceptibility to psoriasis vulgaris existed on the HLA, especially the HLA-C region. 1. Restriction fragment length polymorphism on HLA-C region and susceptibility to psoriasis vulgaris Southern hybridization of genomic DNA demonstrated that DNA polymorphisms of the HLA-C antigen gene could not be found in any psoriasis vulgaris patient whether HLA-Cw6 or Cw7. However, a 4.5 kb BamHI fragment and a 3.lkb PstI fragment were lacking in some healthy controls who had either HLA-Cw6 or Cw7. These specific fragments may help predispose individuals to psoriasis vulgaris, or may be essential for the development of the disease. 2. Significant amino acid sequences of HLA-Cw6 and Cw7 antigens Significant amino acid sequences of HLA-Cw6 and Cw7 antigens were investigated to compare with amino acid sequences of HLA-C antigens each other;namely HLA-Cwl, Cw2, Cw3, Cw6, Cw7, Cwll, which were already published, and Cx52, which was detected in our laboratory. Aspartic acids of position 9 and 90 were recognized as significant amino acid sequences of HLA-Cw6 and Cw7 antigens. Especially,the positon 9 amino acid sequences of HLA-C antigen is immunologically one of important positions. So that, in psoriasis vulgaris, this amino acid may be essential as to the onset and/or development of this disease. 3. Roles of HLA in psoriasis vulgaris From our results, some hypotheses were discussed as to roles of HLA antigens in psoriasis vulgaris.