Research Abstract |
This research aimed to study, historically and theoretically, non-Walrasian economic theory which provides foundations for critical studies of the present mainstream neo-classical ( Walrasian ) economic theory. As such it was a sequel to the head investigator's studies in the past, which were already published in his book, Economic Theories in a non-Walrasian tradition, 1985, and in his article, " non-Walrasian Foundations of Macroeconomics," 1985. Results of the present research, carried out in 1987 - 1988, are going to be published in the forthcoming book of the head investigator, History of Economic Theory, 1989, where many non-Walrasian concepts, ideas, and theories in the history of economic thoughts are carefully studied and formulated into mathematical models so as to facilitate comparisons with the modern Walrasian economic theory. Main results of the present research are as follows. (1) Formulations into mathematical models of non-Walrasian theories of markets ( Locke, Menger, Marshall ). (2) Developments of non-Walrasian ( non-Heckscher-Ohlin ) theory of international economics ( Smith, Ricardo, Marx ). (3) Considerations of the problem of equilibrium and disequilibrium ( J.S.Mill ). (4) Developments of theory of economy of scale ( Smith, Marx, Marshall ). (5) Mathematical analysis of non-Walrasian concepts of equilibrium of Marx ( market value ) and Marshall ( representative firm ). (6) Considerations of the problem of equilibrium and disequilibrium in the theory of interest of Bo^^"hm-Bawerk and Schumpeter.